Jackie Robinson And Larry Doby Summary

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“The summer of 1947 was one of eager anticipation for black people across the country. Jackie Robinson and Larry Doby, two black players from the all-black Negro league, had finally been accepted into the Major League baseball. The New York Amsterdam News, our local weekly Negro newspaper, suggested that the United States was now going to treat them as equals for the first time.” In all the excitement Walter still got to see Joe Louis almost majestically walk down the street. Sugar Ray Robinson also drove down his street in a shiny new Cadillac and yell us out the way and we knew if we yelled back he would jump out the new Caddy and box a few of us at time. Often Mrs. Conway would ask Walter to read out loud in which he failed miserably according to the kids who occupied the classroom just to mock him as it seemed. …show more content…

Irwin Lasher in chapter 6 Mr. Irwin Lasher was a teacher for… I guess you could say the troubled? Walter despised the fact that again he had to move to an improvement center. Walter wasn’t giving up and accidently kicked the teacher and was drove home by the teacher. Seems bad right well he eventually decides its boring outside and he saw a taxi. You did not see them very often so he grabbed the back and held on has the car it a bump he was thrown off but his shirt was caught so he was dragged had shredded and blood was everywhere and he blamed HIS MOM! WHICH WAS HORRIBLE CONSIDERING THE FACT HE HAD PLENTY FROM

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