Issues In The 1930s Essay

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Luciano Oliva
Doug Robbins
MYP 5 History
15 November, 2016
Perils Throughout The 1930’s
Issues in America during the 1930’s caused nationwide panic for almost every American. Over 18 major countries had a major economic failure of some sort during this time and had many different problems they had to try and solve(2). Two pressing issues in America during the 1930’s were Child Labor, and The Great Depression.
The Great Depression
The Great Depression was the longest economic drop in America’s history. The cause of The Great Depression is highly debated but it is mostly started from a combination of many factors. In 1929 there were many different new consumer products being sold which was really good for the industry business. However, many …show more content…

He was a doctor from California. Townsend believed that not enough laws were being made about who got the new jobs, so he designed the Old Age Revolving Pension. This proposal would require every American older than sixty to rеtire to open up more job opportunities for the younger unemployed population. The retirеes would get a check of $200 every month. This monthly pay was above the average income (of people who actually had jobs during the depression). However, the people who rеcеived the money would have to spend all the money or they will be punished in many ways. They might have to pay taxes, they might not get the next month’s paycheck, or they might have their monthly paycheck decreased. Townsend arguеd that this arrangement would revive the economy, and still give the elderly who worked hard and gave up their jobs …show more content…

Franklin Roosevelt made the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) trying to solve the industrial unemployment by starting to create laws against unfair paychecks. These laws were put in place in many states requiring certain wages for employees that later became minimum wage, and laws setting minimum age limits for different jobs. However, even with these laws, there were still many kids kept working in factories and other jobs throughout the 1930’s. This is because in 1935 the Supreme Court decided that the NIRA gave the president too much control over the wages and it was later ruled unconstitutional. But in 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed (which still stands today). The Fair Labor Standards Act made it illegal for someone fourteen years old or younger to be hired for work. However, someone sixteen or seventeen could have a job as long as they were out of school(12 and

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