Is Hamlet Crazy Essay

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In Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, Hamlet’s character seems to be very complicated. Throughout the play Hamlet goes through many phases. In the beginning, Hamlet decided to put on a crazy act for certain people so he could get more information about his father’s death. Then, in the middle of the play, Hamlet began to actually become insane. This makes Hamlet a very compelling character because he is so complex. As the play goes on, Hamlet proves to be one of the most calculated and complicated characters in the play. In the beginning of the play, Hamlet begins to act crazy, Hamlet started to show his mother when he says, “'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, Nor customary suits of solemn black, Nor windy suspiration of forced breath, No, nor the fruitful river in the eye, Nor the dejected 'havior of the visage.” ( Hamlet is explaining to Gertrude that his dark clothes represent his sadness and depression. …show more content…

Polonius tells Gertrude, “I will be brief: your noble son is mad. Mad call I it, for, to define true madness, What is’t but to be nothing else but mad?” (2.2.99-101) Polonius is stating that Hamlet is crazy, simply crazy and nothing else. Polonius is one of the first characters that actually notices that Hamlet is becoming that Hamlet is becoming antic. Polonius says, “He knew me not at first. He said I was a fishmonger. He is far gone, far gone. And truly in my youth I suffered much extremity for love, very near this. I’ll speak to him again.” (2.2.205-208) Polonius is surprised when Hamlet does not recognize him but thinks he is a fishmonger instead. He believes Hamlet is crazy in love. Polonius says to himself, “Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t- will you walk out of the air, my Lord?” (2.2.223-224) Polonius tells himself that Hamlet talks a good talk, but many crazy people do. Many have a way with words. Towards the end of the play, Hamlet becomes fully

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