Irretrievable Interlopers

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Many different people die many different deaths. Some of the more fortunate die soundly, while asleep. Others die more painful deaths, slow, cold, torturous deaths. There are of course all of the deaths in between, that may be unpleasant, but most definitely not torturous. All or most people fear death, especially the deaths that are not so person friendly. In Saki’s, “The Interlopers”, two men die very slow and painful deaths. They came about the death through a long time family feud between their families, and the two men based their lives on it until right before the end. In the short story, “The Interlopers”, the two men did not deserve the death that came about them for the war that started it began long before they could do anything about it, they were trying to end the feud, and even if they did deserve to die for their horrendous acts upon one another, not such a horrible death. In the short story, “The Interlopers”, one of the reasons that they men did not deserve their fate was because the feud between their families began long before they had any control of it. The whole o...

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