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Irresponsibility is a major flaw of human beings. History shows the negative effects that irresponsibility has on a society. The Crucible written by the late Arthur Miller demonstrates the adverse effects of irresponsibility on society. The Salem Witch Trials in The Crucible draws direct parallels to the McCarthyism of the 1950s. The irresponsibility displayed in Arthur Miller's The Crucible written over six decades ago has numerous similarities to present day. The acts of irresponsibility exhibited throughout The Crucible by Reverend Parris, Abigail Williams, and Marry Warren is very similar to today.
From the opening act to the final act we see the irresponsibility displayed by Reverend Parris. The irresponsibility of Reverend Parris stems from the fear of his reputation in the town. We see Parris have a hand in ruining the reputation of others to save his own, namely John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse. This is demonstrated in act four when Parris says “Now Mr. Hale's returned, there is hope, I think – for if he brings even one of these to God, that confession surely damns the others in the public eye, and none doubt they are linked to Hell” (Act 4 128). In recent time we have seen the irresponsibility of many public officials in our society. In the mid 90s we had President Bill Clinton lying irresponsibility about having an affair with an intern Monica Lewinski. In the 2000s then President George W Bush irresponsibility lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction to get the United States to war in Iraq. This irresponsible lie resulted in a deadly war with casualties on both sides. Fast forward today we have New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and the bridge scandal. Last year the George Washington Bridge was shutdown which resulted in...

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In conclusion, irresponsibility and it's many forms are terrible for any society. There are many examples of the adverse effects exhibited by many characters in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. The witch hunts in the play correlates to the movement started by Senator Joseph McCarthy known as McCarthyism in the 50s. Like the play many people's names were destroyed due to irresponsibility. And even in current day irresponsible acts are very similar to irresponsible acts of today.

Works Cited

Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.
"Victims of Lance Armstrong's Strong-arm Tactics Feel Relief and Vindication in the Wake of U.S. Anti-Doping Agency Report." NY Daily News. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.
"When Lies Lead to Wrongful Convictions |" When Lies Lead to Wrongful Convictions | N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.

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