Irrational Fear

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Fear is the second type of emotion. Generally, fear is referred to the phycological reaction that responds to the potential dangers or threats and the extremely uncomfortable conditions which further results in the physiological reaction. Fear can be divided into two categories which are the rational fear and irrational fear. Rational fear is the emotion arises when facing a real or possible danger that threatens the safety of someone and causes his or her body to react towards the situation. On the other hand, the irrational fear is a fear that arises without actual threats but mentally and physically affects a person’s behaviour. When irrational fear continues to develop into a severe condition that interposes the normal life, this situation …show more content…

In addition, an unfamiliar environment is also one of the reason for fear to arise as the fear of strangeness is part of human’s nature. The reaction of people respond to the fear with the physiological reactions such as shaking, acceleration of heartbeat rate or tension of muscles is called the Fight-or-Flight response (Humphrey, 2003). In the studies of fear, phycologist has pointed out a few efficient ways to overcome the emotion of fear. The very common way to overcome the fear is to have courage and face the fear (Rachman, 1984). Most of the people tends to behave timidly and try their best to avoid the things that they fear because they do not have the courage to face it or even think of a way to overcome it. So the fear become stronger day by day because of this type of behaviour. Eventually, it will be more difficult to overcome it so the better way to avoid the fear develop into a severe condition is to face it with courage. Another way to overcome the fear is to do the things continuously that leads to the fear (Mayberry,

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