Irene: A Narrative Fiction

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The wind swayed the trees as dusk set in. With her chin up high, Irene glanced at the moon. The atmosphere was boisterous with chirping crickets and bristling grass. Three girls stand at the edge of the world staring into the horizon. Irene took hold of her younger sister’s, Sam’s hand and reassured that everything will work out for the better. “Irene,” Sam began, “-how much longer until we’re free?” Irene analyzed Sam’s face and saw the fear behind her sister’s eyes. “Soon,” Irene smiled through her teeth, locking the lie between her lips. Sam sighed, nodded, and rested her head on her older sister’s shoulder. "Hey!" as a boy from the village startled the three siblings "It's time for the monthly bonfire gathering." They got up simultaneously …show more content…

Irene swiftly swung her legs off of her makeshift hay pile; the balls of her feet hitting the cool damp mud ground. “Sam, wake up.” The young girl groaned and rubbed and ridded her dark eyes from sleep. The child blindly started packing her belongings into her burlap sack, nearly knocking herself over in the process from exhaustion. She tied the bag tight, and she waddled to the small doorway to the best of her ability to not trip on the way from the soggy straw and fallen sticks. “Sissy...” With Sam’s impatient moaning, Irene huffed and hurriedly hustled Kenya out of bed. “Kenya, we must go now.” She placed the half-awake toddler on her shoulder and balanced their things in their arms while she fast-walked out of the hut. “Sam.” Irene whisper- shouted. The eldest hastily maneuvered through the pueblo with the middle child barely grasping onto her skirt; trying to keep up with her siblings. Kenya’s small head bumped and bobbled on her sister’s shoulder since she attempted to continue sleeping. The once Gana people said farewell to their once beloved home, their mother’s heart, discarding the horrid place it truly was. Hours past, Sam and Kenya were fully awake; overly sensitive to their surroundings. The hot, humid weather was beating on their dark skin, through their thick clothes. The climate conditions were not working in their favor, so the heat created delusions …show more content…

“Girls!” Aisha called, “Can you come here for a second?” “Mom… the sun hasn’t even risen yet. What do you need at this early in the morning?” Irene said as she dragged her feet into the living room. “…who are all these people?” Aisha was surrounded by government officials who were watching her every move, making sure she didn’t try anything fishy. “So… here’s the thing,” Aisha said in broken verses, “…okay – I don’t really know how to explain this to you guys, but –” Tears in Aisha’s eyes began to well up. “Mommy, is everything okay?” Irene said as she took hold of her mother’s hand. “Yeah, I’m fine… it’s just that –” Aisha cradled her daughter’s face in her hands, “- I’m going to be going away for a while.” “What do you mean?” Kenya inquired. “You mean like a trip?” “Sorta. Look, don’t worry too much about it, okay?” The government official cleared his throat. “Hey – I don’t mean to spoil the moment here, but we’re on a time limit.” Aisha glared at the man and then turned to

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