Investigating What Causes Violence in Humans

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Investigating What Causes Violence in Humans Violence is evident in our daily lives and in literature. In the past it meant extreme, brutal or sadistic behavior. Today, it is used to describe any act thought to be aggressive or hostile or destructive to another person. Violence is a human condition and we tend to understand ourselves through violence. The various types of violence include physical violence, psychological violence and sexual violence. In my opinion, nobody is free of a darker side, but there are reasons why human act the way they do, their violence nature is accountable to some factors. Human beings have a physical nature, which demands for the satisfaction of their physical needs if they are to survive and propagate as a species while on earth, and they have a spiritual nature that demands that their spiritual needs be satisfied if they are to be at peace with themselves. Moreover, human beings also have a human nature, by which they strive to both survive and to achieve peace and fulfillment in their lives. In seeking these objectives human beings often fall short, and in the process brings much harm and suffering upon both themselves and others. They become destructive in their efforts, when their only intention to bring peace and harmony to themselves and to the world. Human behaviors tend to be motivated by the principle of reward and punishment. Thus, a person is likely to strive for things that bring pleasure, and to avoid those that cause pain. A person's behavior is directed towards the goal of avoiding pain as he or she endeavors to achieve pleasure, joy, and contentment from life. Hence, human bein... ... middle of paper ... ...ral. When a person persists in the taking of drugs to the extent that the person becomes dependent on them, that is, addicted, it is extremely difficult to "just say no" to using the substance, since several factors are involved tending to perpetuate its continued use. Once addicted, regardless of the reason, a person has little control over his or her behavior. Punishment, therefore, does not work as a deterrent to a person who has a serious chemical dependency problem. There are a multitude of social factors involved as to why individuals take drugs, and drug abuse has become a major social problem and a prime factor in the commission of other criminal acts. In conclusion, human beings act violently because of their spiritual nature, physical nature and human nature, as have been discussed in the above answers.

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