Invasion Of Privacy Ethical Issues

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There are many contentious ethical topics out there today that has caused a major argument in our society and still continue to do so as time goes by. One of the contentious ethical topics that we will be looking at in this paper is the invasion of privacy by the United States Government. The main reason as to why I view this topic as a contender is because for the past year's invasion of privacy has caused a lot of controversy among many Americans and still continues to do so as the years goes by. The reason for that is because many Americans like to keep their private life private and hate it if other people who are not family member invade are in it. Although this is a major topic in our society today,people find it harder when it comes …show more content…

This, however, means that in Utilitarianism they believe that increasing the amount of good things such as pleasure and happiness in the world and decreasing the amount of bad things such as pain and unhappiness is what the purpose of morality is all about. As a result of this utilitarianism could evaluate this contentious topic as a necessary means to an end. This, however, means that the United States government is allowed to invade our privacy because our well-being is more important than respecting our privacy.Although invading one's privacy is a bad thing to do as a government, however, Utilitarianism views this act as a positive one and support it 100 percent because it a is a perfect example of pain and pleasure that Utilitarianism talked about in their definition. When discussing this contentious topic, a utilitarian may also say that privacy invasion is something that should be allowed because it helps keep us safe as well as protect us. Utilitarian believes that the invasion of privacy also helps the government to know what everyone is up to, good or bad. Even though it is bad, a lot of people benefit from …show more content…

Kant Compare to Utilitarianism, Kantian would approach this issue in a different manner. Kantian would evaluate this topic as a form of the immoral act. In other words, Kant believes that an action that is not done out of duty or goodwill cannot be moral therefore by the government choosing to invade every citizen privacy is considered as an action that is not done out of duty or goodwill because the government is the only person who benefits from this action. To conclude this, a person who believes in this view would be against the idea of the government invading our privacy because they think that the government acts on the basis on the uncertain moral basis of the actions as well as the violation of humanity as an

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