Into The Wild Chris Mccandless Characteristics

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“No matter how hard we try to find happiness in worldly pleasures, we shall never exceed” (...). Everything is based off perspective. The way we view things and interpret them can be completely different from how others view it. In the novel, “Into the Wild” written by Jon Krakauer, we are joined on a long journey a young man named Chris McCandless takes. His journey takes place in the wilderness in Alaska, where his worldly pleasures are either burned, distant, or abandoned. In this story Krakauer slowly reveals McCandless’s personality and as to what McCandless was searching for in his journey. Though towards the end of his journey, in the rough wild, proved fatal (death) we are still left with the question of whether McCandless found what he was searching for in beginning or not. Because of McCandless characteristics, he was able to carry on to his journey living the “Alaskan Dream”(...). First and foremost Chris McCandless was a determined young man. In his teen years he was always set on being in the wild. He had the fantasy of going to Alaska and living out of his backpack. He never really gave up on it. In the story people who were with him always knew that he wanted to go. In car rides he would always talk …show more content…

Maybe living on his own gave him freedom. He was able to actually do things for himself without having people tell him what to do. He experienced the harshness of the wild and he hunted for food himself. He got to travel on foot and yet meet new people on the way. Chris also took pictures of his journey. He was able to see the true beauty of Alaska and witness the reality of it also. At one point he wanted to leave and at one point he was scared and alone also, but he did look happy spending his last moments in the wild. No one really knows if he was truly happy or not, but he seemed to at least be at peace when he left. McCandless did indeed find what he was searching for at

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