Internet Privacy and Security

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Technology is great in so many ways. It has provided us with more communication access, access to knowledge at our finger tips, and so much more. Technology has overall made life easier, but maybe too easy, and has made things a lot less private. This results in us having to be extra careful with security on the internet. Internet security is important to protect our privacy, protect us from fraud, and from viruses that could destroy a piece of our technology. Internet privacy and security may be different but share a responsibility, but it is up to us to take personal responsibility to protect ourselves on the internet. We should pick unique, carful passwords, and never share this sensitive information, and encrypt our data when online.
When it comes to social media, I found this information that explains it well. (Endangering their right to privacy 2010) states “Communications and personal information that are posted online are usually accessible to a vast number of people. Yet when personal data exist online, they may be searched, reproduced and mined by advertisers, merchants, service providers or even stalkers. Many users know what may happen to their information, while at the same time they act as though their data is private or intimate. They expect their privacy will not be infringed while they willingly share personal information with the world via social network sites, blogs, and in online communities.” Unfortunately, people should expect that social media is not private and should not share anything they consider private on these shared networks, as they are exactly that, shared.
When I started this research paper, I argued that there was a difference between Privacy and Security when it comes to the internet. I no...

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...s was a great suggestion, as most don’t think to change the security questions.

Works Cited

Facebook, twitter users endangering their right to privacy (2010, Jan 08). The Hindustan Times
Eggerton, J. (2013). PRIVACY HEDGES. Multichannel News, 34(32), 6-7.
Crucial Steps to Take to Protect Yourself Online - ABC News783 (June 14, 2011)
Internet Scam Statistics 2012 (Inforgraphic) Internet fraud. (2013, Aug 12). The Times.

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