International Relations and Its Three Theories

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Having a strong understanding of the global political environment is foundational and a perfectly necessary element of being a college educated person in the 21st century. In current 24-hour news cycle where the CNN effect has changed that form of media forever, persons to day are saturated in information about international systems, political and social ideality and more as they move through the day. In order to better understanding this global environment, I enrolled in a course entitled International Relations (IR). Within IR, three major theories are studied to explain international politics and relationships. They are realism and neorealism theory of power; liberalism and neoliberalism theory of reciprocity and identity principles. (Dr.P,Handout) The third major theory of study is that of Marxist/ socialists and radical approaches to international relations. (Dr.P,Handout) Among these theoretical paradigms each are imperfect and contain deficiencies to there perspective , by over or under emphasizing certain aspects of International relations. To better understand each of these approaches they must first be explored and among the most effectively current method discovered and utilized.

Among these theoretical paradigms is that of the realist school of political thought as it attempt to explain in terms of power they international relations field.(G&P 43) It is through these paradigm that the concept of power politics was founded and supported. (G&P, 44). That is to say politics that are down by utilizing military and economic power by states toward another state to achieve the outcome that state wish to result in the international field. (G&P,44). Unlike the alternative political theories to be explored late...

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...s appealing if you are a member of the upper classes this theory is not appealing, this has led to a great deal of conflicts both violent and nonviolent. (Class, Sept 24). As the gap between the rich and the world poor increases conflict, violence and extreme poverty insures.

In conclusion, within international relations three major theories are studied to explain international politics and relations. They are realism and neorealism theory of power, Liberalism/ neoliberalism, and Marxism/ socialism and radical approaches to international relations. Among these theoretical paradigms each are imperfect and contain deficiencies to their perspective, by over or under emphasizing certain aspects of International relations. It is necessary to use elements of all three of this theory as they all hold there own strengths in explaining the state of international relations.

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