Internal Audit And External Audit

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The process by which something is examined with a view to an opinion being formed. The definition most widely practiced within the profession is that put forward by the APB- ‘independent examination and expression of opinion’. This allows others to gain assurance that any information or a process can be trusted. The main purpose of the audit is to provide shareholders of the company with experts, independent members with a true and fair view of the company's annual financial account and position. Independent is one of the audit trails that show that he can perform his duties objectively.

Meaning of external auditor:

The role of auditing is divided into two, namely internal audit and external audit. Internal audit works in a company organization and reports to committees or directors. They assist in company development and risk management within …show more content…

Some internal auditors also have no experience in accountants. Consequently, they cannot accurately audit the financial statements of their companies. The external auditors may review the financial statement statements prepared by the internal auditors. They can also train internal auditors by applying accounting principles that explain the differences in analysis between internal and external auditors.

Critique Internal Processes: Internal audit cannot effectively criticize the company's internal processes as part of a company. Whereas, the external auditors may at any time criticize the companies they audit independently and without fear of the company. They are observing the outside operation where money and time are spent. External audits often criticize accounting practices and general operations. They can tell how to avoid wastage by promoting better efficiency and tightening accounting practices.

Nurul Syakila Binti Abdul Rahim (DBS

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