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Relevance of integrity to society
Relevance of integrity to society
Relevance of integrity to society
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Integrity and Supererogation in Ethical Communities
ABSTRACT: This paper explores the connection between supererogation and the integrity of ethical agents. It argues two theses: (1) there is a generally unrecognized but crucial social dimension to the moral integrity of individuals which challenges individual ideals and encourages supererogation; (2) the social dimension of integrity, however, must have limits that preserve the individuals's integrity. The concept of integrity is explored through recent works by Christine Korsgaard, Charles Taylor, and Susan Babbitt. A life of integrity is in part a life whereby one 'lives up to' one's own deeply held values. Yet, as one seeks to transcend the realm of the morally customary or the dutiful, one must check one's progress not only against one's own ideals but against the ideals and behavior of the ethical community. To answer affirmatively to one's own ideals is to hear the call of integrity both from within oneself and from without. However, by being free to hear, the freedom to close one's ears inevitably will arise. Only actions displaying such freedom can be actions of moral integrity. Since supererogatory actions are always left to an agent's discretion-that is, are fully optional-they show in paradigmatic fashion the integrity of moral agents. While an ethic of integrity and supererogation provides challenges to members of an ethical community by encouraging them continually to reevaluate their actions and character in reference to postulated ideals, it also leads us to be quite wary of judging individual's moral motives from the outside. A passage by Jonathan Kozol is cited that suggests our society routinely demands supererogatory action from its poorest members. This i...
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...lly published 1958.
Murphy, Liam B. 1993. The Demands of Beneficence. Philosophy and Public Affairs 22 (4): 269-292.
Nagel, Thomas. 1986. The View from Nowhere. New York: Oxford University Press.
Putnam, Robert. 1993a. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Putnam, Robert D. 1993b. The Prosperous Community: Social Capital and Public Life. American Prospect 13: 35-42.
Putnam, Robert D. 1995. Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital. Journal of Democracy 6 (1): 65-78.
Singer, Peter. 1986. Famine, Affluence, and Morality. In Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings, ed. John Perry and Michael Bratman: 573-580. New York: Oxford University Press. Originally published 1972.
Taylor, Charles. 1992. The Ethics of Authenticity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
In this paper I will examine both Peter Singer’s and Onora O 'Neill 's positions on famine relief. I will argue that O’Neill’s position is more suitable than Singer’s extreme standpoint. First I will, present O’Neill’s argument. I will then present a possible counter-argument to one of my premises. Finally I will show how this counter-argument is fallacious and how O’Neill’s argument in fact goes through.
Ginsborg P (1990). ‘A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics: 1943-1980’ Published by Penguin; Reprint edition (27 Sep 1990).
In Peter Singer’s “Famine, Affluence and Morality,” Singer makes three claims about moral duty; that avoidable suffering is bad, that it is our moral obligation to help others in need, and that we should help those in suffering regardless of their distance to us or if others are in the same position as we are to help. First, I will elaborate on Singer’s arguments for each of these positions. Next, I will discuss two objections to Singer’s position, one that he debates in his writings and another that I examine on my own, and Singer’s responses to those objections. Then I will examine why Singer’s rebuttals to the objections were successful.
This paper explores Peter Singer’s argument, in Famine, Affluence, and Morality, that we have morally required obligations to those in need. The explanation of his argument and conclusion, if accepted, would dictate changes to our lifestyle as well as our conceptions of duty and charity, and would be particularly demanding of the affluent. In response to the central case presented by Singer, John Kekes offers his version, which he labels the and points out some objections. Revisions of the principle provide some response to the objections, but raise additional problems. Yet, in the end, the revisions provide support for Singer’s basic argument that, in some way, we ought to help those in need.
Peter Singer's paper “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”has made a drastic impact in modern applied ethics. The simple nature of the paper makes for an easy read, yet the point clearly set out by Singer is at ends with the targeted audiences' popular beliefs. Although most will object to Singer's idea by throwing away a basic principle of most moral theories, I wish to deny Singer's solution by showing that the ability to apply Singer's conclusion is not reasonable and does not address the problem's core.
Joyce Carol Oates' short story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" written in the late sixties, reveals several explanations of its plot. The story revolves around a young girl being seduced, kidnapped, raped and then killed. The story is purposely vague and that may lead to different interpretations. Teenage sex is one way to look at it while drug use or the eerie thought that something supernatural may be happening may be another. The story combines elements of what everyone may have experienced as an adolescent mixed with the unexpected dangers of vanity, drugs, music and trust at an early age. Ultimately, it is up to the reader to choose what the real meaning of this story is. At one point or another one has encountered, either through personal experience or through observation, a teenager who believes that the world is plotting against them. The angst of older siblings, peer pressure set upon them by their friends, the need for individualism, and the false pretense that at fifteen years of age, they are grown are all factors which affect the main character in this story.
Oates uses a metaphor to the Garden of Eden to emphasize Arnold Friend’s deceptive and malevolent ways and how his deception made Connie imagine things. Throughout the story, Connie proves to be so naïve to the dangers in her world, that all she sees is the fact that a guy is paying attention to her. You see this in the beginning of the story (Oates 505-508) when Connie and her friends go to the drive-in restaurant, and a boy named Eddie invites her to go get something to eat. She becomes so engulfed in the moment that a guy noticed her that she doesn’t realize that a guy with shaggy hair is staring at her. When Connie finally comes back down to Earth she realizes him looking at her and he sneers and tells her “Gonna get you, baby.” Connie turns away and continues as she was. Later on in the story when we find out that this shaggy haired guy is Arnold Friend, you start to see him show characteristics like that of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. On a Sunday when Connie was by h...
Oates uses plot to build up to Arnold Friend’s unexpected arrival. In the short story, “It was a boy with shaggy black hair, convertible jalopy painted gold [...] without Eddie noticing anything” (Oates 1). Connie is walking with Eddie to his car when she sees Arnold. Arnold made his sign, the x, the first letter of the greek word for Christ. Coincidence? One would think not. Others agree in this sense. From a critic who has the same views, “And if Arnold Friend is not satanic [...] golden ‘machine’” (Tierce and Crafton 2). When Connie notices Arnold pulling up to her house in her jalopy, she whispers “Christ, Christ,” watching him pull up and fixing her hair. But she could
...en he was at her house, and who Arnold Friend truly was. Some people believe that Arnold Friend is a predator seeking out a new victim, but I think that in some strange way Arnold becomes Connie way to escape into her fantasy world. When she learns his true intentions she is scared to death at first but eventually that fear gives way when entering his car. Connie may think that she’s not going to see her mother again or sleep in her bed again, but at the same time she’s going to escape from her old life. Maybe she has made her decision at that moment; Connie no longer resists Arnold after that moment and does everything he says to do. As she steps out the door, she sees the "vast sunlit reaches of the land behind him," in contrast with the house she is leaving, which "looked small." This shows that she is stepping out into her fantasy world, or so she thinks she is.
“Where are you going, Where Have You Been” is one of the most popular story written by Joyce Carol Oates, one of the greatest author in America. The story is about a
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Literary critics are people who critique author’s works and write their own essays about them. Oates’s writing style subjects her to many critics Tracy M. Caldwell is one of the critics who criticizes author Joyce Carol Oates’s “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”. Caldwell cannot help but to look into the use of symbolism and motifs. Another critic, Tom Quirk, looks at the relation to Charles Howard Schmid; an Arizona man who murdered three girls around the same age as Connie. Another critic, Christina Marsden Gillis, argues that the house is a metaphor. While Oates makes literary devices know these critics dig deeper into the writing. By them doing this they pull out information that helps readers understand different aspects of the
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Among the most prominent motifs in Italian politics since the Risorgimento has been a tendency for quasi-action (inaction disguised as action), in the form of transformismo and attendismo. The first of these terms refers to the practice of "assuring the government of an adequate majority in parliament either by a prelimina...
Morgan, Michael L., ed. Classics of Moral and Political Theory. 5th ed. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2011. Print.