Integrative research review process developed by Cooper was used for this systematic review. This process includes five major stages: Problem formulation, Data collection, Data evaluation, Analysis and interpretation, and Public presentation (Cooper, 1982).
Every possible attempts were made to get the relevant articles, primarily through electronic data sources. A systematic literature search was done through three electronic databases: Scopus, Pudmed and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The core strategy is by following combinations of search terms: [(alcohol) AND (consum* OR use OR drink* OR purchas*) AND (availab* OR control OR outlet OR adverti* OR promot* OR sponsor* OR price OR tax OR retail OR marketing) AND (New Zealand
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Then, full texts were reviewed for the remaining articles to evaluate and identify the highly relevant articles. Additional relevant articles are identified through manual search by observing the reference lists and bibliographies of included studies and articles.
The quality of the selected articles was evaluated with the hierarchy of evidence used by ‘Evidence Based Nursing Practice of United Kingdom’ (Evidence Based Nursing Practice, 2015). The hierarchy of reliability of the articles is inferred according to the following order: (1) Systematic reviews and well-designed randomised controlled trials(RCT); (2) properly-designed RCT; (3) Well-designed, non-randomised studies such as Cohort, time-series or matched case controlled studies; (4) Well-designed, non-experimental studies Cohort studies; (5) Opinions of respected authorities based on clinical evidence, descriptive studies or reports from committee; and (6) Opinions of colleagues or peers. For easy following in this systematic review, studies under (1) and (2) are categorised as ‘High’ class, studies under (3) and (4) are cateogrised as ‘Medium’ class, while papers under (5) and (6) are under ‘Low’ class in terms of reliability and validity. By using such an appraisal system, the level of evidence and quality of the literature are evaluated. Low class literature is not used in this systematic review.
Melnyk’s Hierarchy of Evidence is a system often use for assigning levels of evidence in nursing by integrates clinical expertise and patient choices with the best available research. It is represented by a pyramid that enumerates the levels of strength of the evidence from 1 to 7, of which level 1 is the higher level. The higher level on the pyramid, the more likelihood that the research is valid; therefore, answering a clinical or practice question. “The systematic review or meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials are at the top of the evidence pyramid and are typically assigned the highest level of evidence, due to the fact that the study design reduces the probability of bias” (Melnyk, 2011). The weakness of the system is that when
Worsnop, R. L. (1997, March 14). Alcohol advertising. CQ Researcher, 7, 217-240. Retrieved from
This systematic review conducted by Takeda A, Taylor SJC, Taylor RS, Khan F, Krum H, Underwood M, (2012) sourced twenty-five trials, and the overall number of people of the collective trials included was 5,942. Interventions were classified and assessed using the following headings.-
Polit, D. F. & Beck, C. T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
According to ASHA Evidence Based Practice is the combination of clinical expertise opinion, data, and patient’s perspectives, with the goal of providing high-quality services (2013). The process of evidence-based practice consists of formulating a research question, collecting evidence, including views, and then evaluating the entire process. This project introduces the research topic I’ve chosen, which identifies a researchable problem, and formulates an answerable question that is relevant to nursing and evidence-based practice.
It is essential that when using evidence-based practice guidelines to choose a treatment, that variety of research methods are applied so that the best relevant data can be produced. Such methods include qualitative/quantitative research, randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews. Both qualitative and quantative methods produce valuable data. Quantative research produces numeric evidence that is necessary for practice and can be measured and qualitative research produces descriptive data about the subject by using patients views etc. which can also be applied to clinical practice (Broeder et al, 2010)
LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2014). Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, Inc.
Mary C. Dufour, "Twenty-five Years of Alcohol Epidemiology: Trends, Techniques, and Transitions," Alcohol Research and Health Spring 1995: 77-84.
Evidence-based practice integrates best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for the delivery of optimal health care ( Like most medical professions, nursing is a constantly changing field. With new studies being done and as we learn more about different diseases it is crucial for the nurse to continue to learn even after becoming an RN. Using evidence-based practice methods are a great way for nurses and other medical professionals learn new information and to stay up to date on new ways to practice that can be used to better assess
In gathering articles for this review, numerous methods were used to narrow journal articles that were relevant to nursing. A search was conducted on EBSCO HOST for key terms such as ________. This was narrowed down to articles which were between 2009 and 2014, plus articles which had full text...
Evidence - Based Nursing, An introduction (2008, p.1) “ At is core evidence based ‘anything’ is concerned with using valid and relevant information in decision making” “high quality research is the most important source of valid information”.
230) in EBP. Clinical opinion, together with the best relevant research evidence, provides the framework to for the best patient outcome. The nurse’s clinical opinion is acquired through knowledge and skills developed from undergraduate, graduate, or continuing education, clinical experience, and clinical practice (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2010). Clinical opinion also includes internal evidence, which is generated within a clinical setting from quality improvement outcomes, management initiatives or EBP implementation projects (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2010). Nurses use their clinical opinion when they identify each patient’s condition, individual risks, personal values and expectations, benefits of possible interventions, and gather evidence for EBP. When searching for the best available evidence, there is a hierarchy in the strength of evidence. The highest level of evidence usually comes from a systematic review or an evidence-based clinical practice guideline based on a systematic review. Systematic reviews provide the strongest evidence through a summary combining the results from many relevant, unbiased studies, to answer a particular clinical question. Nurses critically assess the individual studies, to gather the best evidence available for patient care. Systematic
Evidence-based practice utilizes research design analysis from arrays of studies design, it is imperative for research scholars to understand how to read, and how to comment on the quality of research design utilized. There is three major research designs, namely quantitative, qualitative and mixed method; however; mostly utilized in evidence-based practice are quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative and qualitative research designs are exclusive in the description and generate distinct outcomes. Quantitative research design explores relationship amongst independent design variables, the data compilation approach and design firmly controlled than the qualitative data compilation (Polit & Beck, 2017). The outcome of an
The purpose of this paper is to analyze a concept on order to identify an inconsistency and area for practical research. A clinical experience will be used to illustrate a core curriculum concept. Consistency with our text will be explored. Next inconsistencies will be identified to provide the basis for a relevant research question in PICO format. The process of conducting research using the hierarchy of evidence will be discussed. A summary of research findings will be provided and used to support modifications in future nursing practice.
Evidence-based practice is important to consider when researching for interventions, further knowledge, or help to guide a new idea in the health professions. Evidence-based practice is comprised of three significant concepts: respect and awareness for the targeted population’s values, previous clinical practice or experience with that population, and systematic research to establish a better understanding of what is already known about the study’s focus. These concepts are all taken into consideration when designing and conducting a study because it provides a more valid and credible source for others.