Integrated Mental Health Executive Summary

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Integrating Mental Health Services into Primary Health Care Executive Summary Prevalence of mental health disorders in all societies elevated and the gap between mental health service and prevalence of people with mental health disorders become significant; According to WHO 4 out of 5 people with mental illness in low and middle income country do not receive care. Integrated mental health services into primary health care will close the gap between mental health services and people with mental health disorders. Integrated mental health services into primary health care will close the gap by improving accessibility, viability, acceptability, reducing stigma and improve human right respect with less cost, more quality and holistic perspective …show more content…

The extent of unmet mental health services is intimidating. According to WHO 4 out of 5 people with mental illness in low and middle income country do not receive care. Unfortunately, lack of awareness and underestimation of mental health disorders are obvious at health system and policy maker level. In fact, health budget allowance for mental health treatment and prevention in middle and low income countries is less than 2% or even 1% of total health allowance and the number of mental health professional staff is Very low (Chisholm,2015; who, 2011). Furthermore, middle east humanitarian emergencies where population being more likely to have mental health crises. leading to increase the already exited shortage in mental health staff and caused more difficult access or even destroy mental health facilities (corps,2016,who,2015). Due to Lack of financial and human resource and humanitarians emergence in middle east low income countries Integrated mental health practice and services within and as a part of primary care are critically needed to deliver mental health care for people in …show more content…

Reasons for failing including the stigma, isolation, human right violation, poor outcome, difficult and limited access for most of community, also, In specialized mental health the concept of holistic care is absent. Ironically, providing care in specialized institutions is coasty; most of governments fund directed to run and develop specialized mental institutions (Kerbage, El Chammay & Richa, 2013; Chisholm,2015; IMC, 2016).This option is not costly affected or even accepted by community and the gap between mental health service and prevalence of people with mental health disorder become

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