Insane Theatre

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One very significant similarity between avant-garde theatre and performance art was that they both heavily interacted with the audience through their bodies. It my own analysis, there seems to be three different types of the audience involvement: First, performers and audience are both actively engaging with each other. Second, performers are passive, whereas audience actively executes performance pieces. And for the last, performers are active while the audience is unaware that they are a part of it. Assuming that, only the first type can be seen in avant-garde theatre, whereas performance art varied across all these three types. In avant-garde theatre, performers are the ones who carried out the entire productions and guided the participating …show more content…

Unlike the first type, the audience involvement is automatic and unintentional so that the spectators were unaware that they were a part of the performance art. Vito Acconci, in his Following Piece (1969), followed random strangers in the street and stopped doing so once they entered a building. People who were being followed did not know that they were followed, and would not know because nobody knew it except Acconci. Acconci made several other pieces that were equally private, such as Seedbed (1971). In this notorious piece, Acconci dealt with “power-field between himself and others.” He said, “The fact is, I'm masturbating in public, but this ‘fact’ can't be seen, can't be verified; it has to be taken by the viewer on faith.” Although in this piece the audience was, to a certain extent, aware that they were in performance art as they entered the gallery space, they were not entirely sure what was going on. Here Acconci questions the authority and power dynamics between performers and the audience, for the audience had no power to ban this piece. This reminds us of the power dynamics in avant-garde theatre mentioned as the first type; however, in the third type, the audience had no other choice but to be a part of the piece, whereas in the first type the audience had will to come see the theatre production, knowing what to

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