Inpatient Rehab

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Addiction doesn’t discriminate by age, gender, race, class, or occupation. It doesn’t matter if you’re a 20-year-old college student or 50-year-old account manager at a bank, you can end up addicted. The good news is that you can find the help you need. Whether you’re looking for rehab in Denver, LA, or anywhere else, it helps if you know a little about what you should expect.


Before you go into true rehab in Denver, you might need a stay in detox. If you need opiate addiction treatment, for example, the withdrawal symptoms can prove quite severe. Many rehab programs work with a partner facility for detox. A dedicated detox center maintains a staff with the medical training and experience to help you through withdrawal.

Rehab in Denver Therapies

Removing drugs or alcohol from …show more content…

You might see outdoor therapies, such as hiking, backpacking or rock climbing. Spending time outdoors often helps people reconnect with their spiritual side

Inpatient vs Outpatient

There are two approaches you’ll have to choose from for rehab in Denver: inpatient and outpatient.

Inpatient rehab programs are residential programs. That means you live at the rehab facility while receiving treatment. You get intensive treatment while there and may participate in several meetings or therapies each day. One key benefit of inpatient programs is that they limit the triggers you face on a day-to-day basis.

The main downside of inpatient programs is that they also limit your access to your support system. You’ll only get limited contact with friends and family.
Outpatient programs work a little differently. You live at home during treatment and attend meetings on a schedule. Most outpatient programs include regular blood tests. A key benefit of outpatient programs is that they let you keep up with job or school

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