Injustice In The Kite Runner

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When an individual responds to injustice, they gain self-respect. If an individual suffers from hardship memory, they must respond to the injustice to maintain self-respect. Some individuals might be forgiven, atoned, or redeemed for their unjustified memory. In Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner, the author develops the idea that an individual seeking forgiveness, atonement, and redemption gains self-respect when responding to injustice from their past memories. In other words, responding to unjustified past memories gains an individual's self-respect when seeking forgiveness, atonement, and redemption. This idea is seen in the protagonist Amir who forgives himself and he finally responds to injustice and gains self-respect. He suffers from past memories of him disrespecting and not taking injuries for Hassan but Amir atones himself from his past …show more content…

One night while eating dinner, General Taheri tells Amir that he is embarrassed to have a Hazard boy as a step-grandson. Amir stands up for Sohrab and tells him that he has a name and that Sohrab is his uncle. Unlike in the past, he left Hassan get raped by Assef and it shows the unfairness of the relationship. He redeems himself for standing up for Sohrab and gains his self-respect. He respects his confidence of him speaking up in front of the general. The final redemption is when he becomes the kite runner. At the end he says "I ran with the wind blowing in my face, and a smile as wide as the Valley of Panjsher on my lips." The memory of Hassan chasing kites for Amir is finally achieved and he finally redeems himself as the kite runner. Therefore it helps him gains his self-respect. His self-respect is him being redeemed and now he is proud of his decision. The injustice here is that Amir got all the recognition for flying kites and Hassan got barely any credit. One must redeem themselves from their past injustice doings in order to gain

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