Human Behavior Under Duress: Insights from WWII

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Every human has a different reaction to a different situation and are stimulated to do unruly things when provoked. People of the Jewish community during World War II were extremely discriminated against, and many were sent to death camps just for believing in Judaism. These extreme conditions caused Jews to make rash decisions they usually would not have done. The conditions also caused Jews to help one another and show heroism and kindness towards the people of their religion. Not only did disaster cause unlikely behavior during World War II, but is also evident in modern day. Both gallant and violent acts were exemplified in the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel and may have been out of the ordinary for a particular person to pursue. Normal people of the Jewish community showed negative reactions due to inhumane treatment set forth by the Nazis of Germany. Although it may have been acceptable considering the surroundings they were enduring, if they were in their right mindset and not fighting for their survival, these normal people most likely would not have been cruel towards their peers. Nutritional deficits induced this diabolic behavior and when given food “dozens of starving men fought each other for a few crumbs” (Wiesel 73). These people who were brutally deprived of necessities began fighting each …show more content…

Extremely hostile environments forced people to make fast decisions that could have been right or wrong. In some, their conscious came through, but in others their bodies needs were greater than their minds. Everyone is different and everyone deals with devastation in their own way. Although many people made decisions during the Holocaust and in present day that they may regret or be proud of now, they should never have been put through this experience just because of their religion or any other beliefs they may

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