Chronic pain is the pain that lasts for a long time. Chronic pain can be a mild, episodic and continuous. Chronic pain may originate from the body or brain or in the spinal cord. It is difficult to treat and handled by a pain management team. The most common sources of pain from headache, joint pain, pain from injury and backaches. Other kind of chronic pain include tendinitis, sinus pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and pain affecting specific parts of the body such as shoulder, pelvis and neck. Empathy is skill that every trainer should have this as it helps a patient in many ways. You will better understand the needs and pain of people round you and will have less trouble dealing with conflict. You will be also able to predict the actions and reactions of people you …show more content…
In relaxation, meditation and deep breathing are techniques that maintain our breathing , peace to mind and relax the body. Complementary therapies like acupuncture, Ayurveda, Reiki, traditional Chinese medicine help in relieving pain by transferring energy from practitioner to healer. Western medicine are also helpful in managing chronic pain speedily such as, morphine, steroid and codeine. Devices are also helpful such as TENS ( Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), ultrasound, electrical stimulation and hot pack/ cold pack. Misuse of prescription drugs means taking a medication in a manner or dose other than prescribed; taking someone else’s prescription and even if for a medical complaint such as pain. Increases in prescription drug misuse over the last 15 years are reflected in increased emergency room visits, overdose deaths associated with prescription drugs, and treatment admissions for prescription drug use disorders, the most severe form of which is addiction. Pharmaceutical services include all medication and related services that support the provision of patient care and treatment for both acute and chronic
Prescription and pharmaceutical drug abuse is beginning to expand as a social issue within the United States because of the variety of drugs, their growing availability, and the social acceptance and peer pressure to uses them. Many in the workforce are suffering and failing at getting better due to the desperation driving their addiction.
Almost one hundred years ago, prescription drugs like morphine were available at almost any general store. Women carried bottles of very addictive potent opiate based pain killers in their purse. Many individuals like Edgar Allen Poe died from such addictions. Since that time through various federal, state and local laws, drugs like morphine are now prescription drugs; however, this has not stopped the addiction to opiate based pain killers. Today’s society combats an ever increasing number of very deadly addictive drugs from designer drugs to narcotics to the less potent but equally destructive alcohol and marijuana. With all of these new and old drugs going in and out of vogue with addicts, it appears that the increase of misuse and abuse is founded greater in the prescription opiate based painkillers.
The United States of America accounts for only 5% of the world’s population, yet as a nation, we devour over 50% of the world’s pharmaceutical medication and around 80% of the world’s prescription narcotics (American Addict). The increasing demand for prescription medication in America has evoked a national health crisis in which the government and big business benefit at the expense of the American public.
Marion Good, PhD, RN, has focused her study, “A Middle-Range Theory of Acute pain Management: Use in Research,” on complementary medicine for pain and stress, acute pain, and stress immunity. The purpose of this theory is to put into practice guidelines for pain management. Good, 1998, noted the need for a balance between medication usage and side effects of pain medications. The theory also promoted patient education related to pain management following surgery and encouraged plan development for acceptable levels of pain management. This theory was developed through deductive reasoning. Chinn & Kramer, 2008, defined deductive reasoning as going from a general concept to a more specific concept. Good, 1998, related that there was a balance between analgesia and side effects in which two outcomes can be deduced: (1) a decrease in pain, and (2) a decrease in side effects. These outcomes can be studied further or more detailed concepts can be deduced from them.
Chronic pain is pain that is considered to last longer than six months. Chronic pain can be mild to excruciating, and episodic or continuous ("Community," n.d.). With chronic pain, the pain may remain active in the nervous system for months or years (Ratini, 2004). A recent study estimated that 31 percent of the adult United States population suffers from chronic pain, most commonly lower back or osteoarthritic pain (Bostwick, 2014). Chronic idiopathic (i.e. non-cancer related) pain is a significant public health concern, characterized by considerable emotional distress and impairment of social and occupational functioning (Zvolensky, 2011). This distress and impairment leave many adults feeling helpless and on the search for a treatment that will manage the pain.
There are so many patients who walk into my clinic and when asked what problem do they have and they say lumbar Spondylosis. Its actually is a facepalm moment for me. I will tell you why. There are so many misconceptions about the word ‘Spondylosis’.
What is cancer? Cancer is a malignant growth or tumour that is prompted by an unrestrained division of unusual cells in the body. These cells have no function. Two main kinds of tumours: Malignant tumours that tend to disseminate to other parts of the body after a period of time whilst benign tumours that usually stay on their formation site. Malignant tumours are dangerous because they can block blood vessels, disrupt the functioning of hollow organs and even cause bleeding.
The year is about to end and all of you must have been tired with happenings of the great things in the current year. After celebrating the numerous occasions and those fun trips with families and friends – you have indulged in various activities to boost yourself. The office work has also kept you busy the whole year; so, before the Christmas and New Year, why don’t you treat yourself with the astounding Acupuncture therapy. With this therapy, you can say goodbye to the following year and will be energetic for the upcoming year.
Introduction: Craig, after 28 years of struggling with a terminally ill disease, decided his quality of life was too poor. He'd had so many surgical procedures the thought of enduring more was unbearable. He could find no legal assistance to help him die. On the night of September 1, 2009, he swallowed 12 sleeping pills, put two plastic bags over his head tied with elastic bands and was found dead by his parents the next morning. (July 12, 2014 Guardian article)
Cancer is one of those diseases that scare a patient to death even if he or she is far from it. In this regard, I need to remind you that cancer does not always mean death. There are different stages of cancer, and mostly the last-stage patients are beyond the recovery process. So, you should not shun away all hopes if one of your friends or family members get diagnosed with cancer.
What is cancer? Cancer is the uncontrollable replication of abnormal cells that contain mutated DNA. This results in the growth of cancerous tumours. Cancer is either benign; where the cancer mutation or tumour is not invasive, grows slowly, and does not spread; or malignant; where the cancer mutation or tumour is invasive, grows fast, and quickly spreads throughout the body by means of the lymph and blood.
Specific speech purpose: To persuade the class that emotional/mental health is important, and is in fact even more important than their physical health.
“ Oh, your mom has cancer? That means you will get it too”. Is this really true? Are you going to get cancer just because, your mom had it? This leads to one of the biggest questions that scientist have been researching for about hundreds of years.
Drug abuse has been a hot topic for our society due to how stimulants interfere with health, prosperity, and the lives of others in all nations. All drugs have the potential to be misapplied, whether obtained by prescription, over the counter, or illegally. Drug abuse is a despicable disease that affects many helpless people. Majority of those who are beset with this disease go untreated due to health insurance companies who neglect and discriminate this issue. As an outcome of missed opportunities of treatments, abusers become homeless, very ill, or even worst, death.
Cancer is a killer. A very expensive killer. This year 12.7 million people will be told they have cancer. Their treatment will cost $20,000 per person although depending on the severity it can rack up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. $254 billion will be spent on their care.