Informative Speech On Cancer

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When I think about the word cancer, I think about the sunset. It starts off shining in the morning but eventually conveys into darkness. The sky forms a shadow upon the sun causing the light to go dim and the glow you once experienced has disappeared into the twilight of nothingness. You enter a rough path in your life, one that you think you aren’t able to escape from, all because your body has developed a sickening, frightful, monstrous disease. A disease is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury. However, this disease turns out to be one of the diseases that is malignant (cancerous).
Cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body or a cancerous growth of tumor resulting from the division of abnormal cells. [“ National Cancer Institute” ] This deadly disease has played an important role in history, it’s been among us for several years, yet many don’t know what the disease is actually capable of doing once it enters through the human body if its not treated in time. Human beings and animals have had cancer throughout recorded history. The oldest description of cancer was discovered in egypt and …show more content…

Cancer is one of the few diseases that holds more than 100 diseases in itself. For example, there is: breast cancer (cancer in the breast), Ovarian cancer (cancer in the ovaries) , testicular cancer ( cancer in the testes), heart cancer (cancer in the heart) etc. Another way people get the name of the cancer is by the cell name such as “small cell cancer” which is (lung cancer) [ “American Cancer Society”] . They’re a various types of cancers that society isn’t aware of, and are important to

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