Informative Speech On Black Death

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Black death The black death so i am going to explain to you the cool moments my top three thing are what it did to you and how many there were also what they did trying to cure themselves a last but no less why they thought it happened

So there are three different kinds of the black death
Bubonic Plague which is the most common one And that is where like flea bites you or if you are by someone that has it and it causes infects your lymphatic system causing inflammation Untreated, it can move into the blood and cause septicemic plague, or to the lungs, causing pneumonic plague.

Septicemic Plague is germs go in your blood and more and more germs go and when you don't go to the doctors when you get it then you will die
Pneumonic Plague is when germs go to your lugs and this one is the deadliest so when someone has it and they cough the germs go in the air and go in other people lugs and this one is the only one that can go to another person from a person …show more content…

Also fever,vomiting,muscles hurt,and they start to bleed in lugs. When people found out they had it there was many thing that people made up and said it would cure them there was sevan
Bleeding method is where they cut a vein by the hart they thought that it would bleed out the disease. It just killed them faster
Urine method they peed in a cup twice a day they thought it would take away the dishes. It was just

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