Informative Essay On Gun Control

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All of this talk about gun control is really getting on my nerves. Why does it really matter who owns a gun and who doesn’t? Why is it that you have to register the gun you bought in your name? That’s not really any one's business. Why is it that everyone must pass a background check to be able to purchase a gun? Who cares if the buyer is a prison escapee? That’s a little too personal if you ask me.This is America for goodness sake, land of the free! Everyone should be able to purchase their own gun and do as they please with it. It will make life a lot easier and a lot safer. Guns can most certainly be used in many other useful ways rather than just for killing and hunting. An example of this would be letting the children play with them. Instead of hiring a babysitter when you and your significant other go out, just let the kids play with the guns while you’re gone. Not only will they be able to protect themselves, but they will also have some fun while doing it. Sure, they might fire off a few shots to get a few chuckles out of themselves, but at least they won’t be kidnapped …show more content…

If there weren’t any restrictions or regulations on gun control, our country would be in such better shape. Poverty stricken people struggling for food and shelter could just walk into a grocery store and leave with a cart full of food for free, just by pointing their gun at the cashier. That’s incredible, don’t you think? Another situation would be if you were to be pulled over for reckless driving. Just point your gun out the window at the police officer, and just like that, you’re off the hook. This could produce clean driving records, which could very likely lower insurance rates. Also, this would allow police officers to spend more time at the doughnut shop while also not spending as much on gas. That would mean that there would be more spending money in all of our pockets. With the current economic situation that Illinois is in, we could use all the help we can

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