Informative Essay: Brow Brown Bears In The World

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Bears can be found all over the world. There are many things we don’t know about bears because we usually don’t have very much contact with them. For example, Bears can run almost 65 kilometers per hour, fast (1 ) ……… to catch a running horse. The fastest known human alive today can run about 43 kilometers per hour.
Bears live in forests, mountains, deserts and grassy areas. They have fur-covered bodies, short legs and a round head with a long snout. In fact bears have two layers of fur. A short layer of fur keeps the bear warm and a long layer keeps water (2 ) ……… from the skin and short fur.
Of course, there are different (3 ) ……… of bears but one of the most common bears is the brown bear.
Bears are omnivorous, (4) ……… they eat vegetation and meat. The brown bear's diet is quite similar to all other bears. They eat grass, fruit, insects, roots and bulbs of plants and, when hungry enough, will hunt small animals. Brown bears that live near the coast feed on fish, (5 ) ……… salmon. …show more content…

They live in northwestern North America, the Atlas Mountains of northwestern Africa, northern Asia, Europe and the Middle East. There are (6 ) ……… subspecies of brown bears.
Many bears in the Northern Hemisphere hibernate during the colder months of the year. Hibernation is a deep sleep which (7 ) ……… the bears to live for a long period without food. During hibernation the bear’s temperature drops and its heart beat slows down. The body fat the bear has stored during the warmer months is used during hibernation and this keeps the bear

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