While thinking about what to write in this paper I began searching through quotes from Albert
Einstein. I have always had a fascination with Albert Einstein not only because of his great contributions to man, but also because of his down to earth approach to life. The above quote struck a chord with me on many different levels. On its face there is a great truth in what Einstein said. Information without knowledge is useless. I think most people can relate to a class, or lecture, or other training event where there was little question that the presenter has had no real world experience with the subject matter they are presenting. In other words they are presenting information without knowledge. It is similar to the old adage about learning
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I have to know not only the rules to the game, but the way in which the rules are applied.
At times police are their own worst enemies when it comes to knowledge and information.
Cops tend to hate change and we often throw fits when things do change. When laws change we often belly ache about the changes and begrudgingly accept the changes because we have to. There have been times in my own tenure as a police officer that I have possessed information about changes in laws but do not have knowledge of how to use that information. At times I have had to endure embarrassment at doing something wrong, or by having to ask how to do something.
I make efforts to stay on top of my profession, the changes in policy and law. I intend to retire as an officer, and to look back on a long successful career. I hope to advance to a level of supervision one day. I have been fortunate in my 8 years as an officer to experience a wide range of situations and circumstances, some of which are once in a lifetime. I acquired a lot of information and knowledge over my career. However to sit back and say that I know it all would be a lie, and I know that I must stay on top of my continuing education or get left
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I graduated in 2007 with my degree, so I the information I received then is approaching 10 years old or older. Likewise my classes at the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy were in January 2009. I hope to use the opportunity to learn brush up on older concepts in criminal justice, while learning new concepts and skills.
In addition I want to make sure that my day to day performance is top notch, and that I am serving the citizens if my community to the highest level that I can. While it is relatively easy to stay on top of the skills I use on a daily basis, I want to make sure that my foundation in those skills is current. I admit that there are terms and important legal cases that I am familiar with only by the name. I know at one point I was able to recite most of the information that our legal system is currently based on, but now scratch my head on some of the more fundamental points.
After obtaining my Master’s Degree I plan on continuing on my career path as a street officer. I hope to advance up the ladder at my department and retire with a long and proud career to look back on. I love to learn and am looking forward to furthering my education with Bethel
Walker, S., & Katz, C. (2012). Police in America: An Introduction (8th Edition ed.). New York:
In discussions of law enforcement one controversial issue has been whether liberal arts courses are necessary or should be required. In “The New Liberal Arts” Sanford J. Ungar believes that liberal arts are crucial to any professional career. Mike Rose however disagrees, and suggests that a college education in general is not necessarily a must. Although both articles make a good argument, I concur with Ungar. The liberal arts are the foundation in almost any professional field, and teach students how to adapt, especially in law enforcement.
I don’t know what I plan on doing with my life, so I guess I just want my legacy to be that I’m a good person, and that I helped people. I want to be remembered as someone who accomplished things, or even just something. I want to be someone with a life worth living.
At some point in our lives, everybody eventually comes in contact with a law enforcement officer, some people for different reasons. Law enforcement officers work around the clock to keep citizens safe. Many people do not know a lot of things about law enforcement, some of those will be discussed. Those topics are agency administration, issues with law enforcement in today’s society, and law enforcement history.
Beyond the transcendence of science for which he is most famous, Albert Einstein made great contributions to American society and the world as a whole through his attitude, philosophy, and values. He was a free thinker who regularly challenged assumptions and conventional wisdom, inspiring future generations of scientists and engineers to do the
There have been several court rulings and legislative actions concerning the release of the different forms of officer information. Judge James C. Chalfant of Los Angeles County Superior Court ruled that there is public interest in knowing the officers information in cases where officers fire a weapon. The judge stated that since the officers’ names are not shield as personnel documentation, “The Times” had the right to know the names. The Long Beach Police union President was worried about the release of officers’ names. Law enforcement officer from all over California argue that releasing the information of misbehave officers’ to the public, would put the officers’ life and family at risk. Due to their arguments, lawmakers took legislative action and destroyed a bill that made available the admission to disciplinary records. Judge Patrick T. Madden of Los Angeles County Superior Court ruled that the police should not keep secret the information of the officers and if they will do so, they will have to justify the reason why. The Judge also declared that evidence be provided on occasions where there has been a risk or danger when the of...
Albert Einstein is looked at as one of the most magnificent scientific thinkers throughout history. His theories on the nature and dimensions of time and space immensely changed the way people thought of the physical world and established many of the major fundamental foundations for a tremendous amount of the our scientific discoveries and inventions in the 21st century.
It is both a result and a cause of police isolation from the larger society and of police solidarity. Its influence begins early in the new officer’s career when he is told by more experienced officers that the “training given in police academies is irrelevant to ‘real’ police work”. What is relevant, recruits are told, is the experience of senior officers who know the ropes or know how to get around things. Recruits are often told by officers with considerable experience to forget what they learned in the academy and in college and to start learning real police work as soon as they get to their Field Training Officers. Among the first lessons learned are that police officers share secrets among themselves and that those secrets especially when they deal with activities that are questionable in terms of ethics, legality, and departmental policy, are not to be told to others. They also are told that administrators and Internal Affairs officers cannot often be trusted. This emphasis on the police occupational subculture results in many officers regarding themselves as members of a “blue
My internship at the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Department made me realize that I am searching for a career that has high intrinsic value. This is probably the reason why I am in the military and most likely the reason why I can now envision myself as a police officer, because I want to serve my community and give back. According to Boal (2004), “In Order for police officers to be effective they must have the support of the community. All Involved parties should understand their role and obligations in providing for the safety of the community”. From what I saw this department was doing a good job of community policing and it’s something I would be very passionate about if I was an officer. Not only did this internship open me to the possibility of becoming a police officer, it also helps shape my current career
Police behavior is different across all communities. In fact, how police react to combat crime is affected by the management style of the various police administrators. Also, local politics will have a strong influence on how police react to crime. When police respond to a call, they will make a determination of the “cost and benefits” of their reaction. How they decide to intervene is based on the net gain to the neighborhood, suspect and the officer himself (Wilson, 1969). There have been several efforts to understand how police use discretion in their day-today operations. One of the difficulties in understanding police discretion, is when an officer makes a determination not to invoke the law, that decision is often not seen by anyone who would oversight over that officers decision, therefore that decision is usually not subject to review from any authority (Wilson, 1969). Police records are usually to incomplete to allow evaluation of non-enforcement decisions (Goldstein, 1960) Full enforcement of the law is not possible due to various reasons, a limitation of officer time, and a limitation of investigative devices. In some instances the police may choose not to enforce the law in order to allow a confidential informant to gather information on another suspect. This is an exchange relationship where both parties have the opportunity to gain so...
Cordner, G. W., & Scarborough, K. E. (2010). Police administration (7th ed.). Albany, N.Y.: LexisNexis/Anderson Pub.
There are many things that I hope to accomplish and do when I get older. I want to improve and accomplish different things for myself in my career that I choose, in my material goals, and spiritually. I'm looking at the year of 2009, I will be out of college and be on my feet, hopefully. I have high expectations for myself and hope to accomplish as many of my dreams and goals as I can throughout my life.
I have chosen two of them who were in many ways just opposites. One is extremely famous and the other is almost unknown except to specialists. The most famous is of course Albert Einstein. He has significantly altered our view of the world with his Theory of Relativity.
Times have changed; crime has evolved into a multifaceted issue with deep seeded roots. Today, law enforcement officers have additional responsibilities with greater expectations. It is no longer just about bravery, but about the ability to make complex, legal decisions in the midst of danger and chaos. Officers are now required to complete many hours of training regarding detention, arrest, search and seizure, emergency vehicle operations and defensive tactics. Officers are trained to investigate incidents involving domestic violence, sex offenses and crimes against children.
He continued to explain any officer can write tickets, and drive around and arrest people. However, being a good officer was about understanding the people in the community and their concerns. This would be the first time I remember reflecting on my duties as an