Industrialization Of America Thesis

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Industrialization of America Jessica Baker Mrs. T. Westling English III Accelerated 03 April 2017 Outline Thesis Statement: Even though cities became crowded and unsanitary, industrialization improved the standard of living for the average citizen. Introduction: I.Growth of Cities A.More Jobs B.Better Opportunities II.Growth of Cities Led to Skyscrapers A.Sanitation, Clean Water, Fire, Crimes/Gangs B.Economic Prosperity III.Inner Cities Became Crowded and Unsanitary A.Waste B.Lack of Space IV.Streetcar and Electric Trolley A.Made Transportation More Accessible B.Improved Standard of Living Conclusion Industrialization of America “I see in industrialization the central problem. If …show more content…

With a profuse amount of oil and coal, America was encouraged to invest in new industries which led to an economic high. Accompanied by new industries, immigrants began pouring into the United States at a rapid rate, escorted by the promise of political, religious, and economic opportunities. “Often recruited by employers, a labor force eager for economic opportunity migrated to cities from rural areas of the United States, and from Asia, Latin America, and Europe.” (“America’s History in the Making”). During the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, new industries began appearing which created millions of jobs. (“Urban Population”) Henry Ford’s invention of the assembly line not only produced jobs but also reduced the price of cars from eight hundred and fifty dollars in 1908 to three hundred dollars in 1925 which produced better opportunities. Now citizens obtained the flexibility to buy a car rather than walking or taking the horse and buggy which increased the standard of living. (History) Even though John D. Rockefeller obliterated his competition in the oil field, he produced jobs and regulated the price of gas in such away that reduced the price of oil for his consumers. (“The New Tycoons: John D. Rockefeller,” Wegner) Jobs increased causing new consumers and new producers that impacted the economy resulting in unique opportunities. …show more content…

Skyscrapers waste sanitation was not the only thing that posed a threat to sanitation as a whole. The air conditioners in early buildings consisted of a large machine at the bottom of the building and tubes connecting to each room. People would throw garage down the air conditioning tubes which caused odors to come back up the tubes, and sometimes the garage would sit which caused mold. Newer models later came out which eliminated the problems. (Wegner, “A Time of Corruption”) In addition to air conditioners, another sanitation issue resided in the factories themselves. With new machinery, factories now emitted toxic chemicals into the air as well as industries dumping toxic chemicals into waterways. The industrial pollution emitted caused a variety of environmental problems. Because of industrial pollution, the Environmental Protection Agency was implemented. (McMahon, Mary, and Bronwyn Harris, “The Origins of EPA”) In the beginning of industrialization, immigrants flooded into the United States with nowhere to stay. William Marcy Tweed not only gave the immigrants a place to stay but also helped them get on their feet. Though he is commonly known as a political machine, “Boss Tweed” encouraged economic prosperity through giving immigrants the chance to achieve the American Dream. (“Boss Tweed”) With a rise in industry, investors, business associates, and managers seized more and higher financial risks,

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