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How important was espionage as a factor contributing to the cold war
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Industrial or Economic Espionage
A small Mississauga electronics safety equipment company is broken into.
Although filing cabinets and desks were rummaged through, nothing was seemingly
taken. An officer discovered the company had drawn up a bid for $7 million
dollar contract a day or so before the break-in. The contract in question was
for a foreign country. It was later discovered that the company in question was
known for its aggressive economic espionage. An iron ore shipping company was
also broken into. At first it was thought that the target had been the firms
computers. But, nothing was taken, it was assumed that the burglars had been
scared off. Within thirty minutes it was discovered that the company was
approaching its fiscal year end. staff eventually found that most of the recent
database backup tape was missing. A Quebec based company with the laser-based
system for inspecting materials used in, among other things, the stealth
aircraft, had three computers stolen. On their harddrives were confidential
codes for specialized software used by the Canadian Armed forces. The above are
all true examples of the modern threat facing international business today
known as industrial or economic espionage. The end of the cold and economic
pressures have increased the risk of economic espionage. The collapse of the
Soviet Union has left unemployed KGB and other former communist bloc
intelligence agents selling everything from Russian night vision devices to
completely assembled and functional bugging devices. Even friendly western
European governments have been caught spying on private corporations based in
the U.S. and other countries, while industrial competitors sometimes hire
private companies to collect competitive intelligence from their corporate
rivals( Lester:96). What exactly is economic espionage? how prevalent is it?
Who does it? How do they do it? and what can we do to stop it. These are the
questions that will be looked at in the following pages.
First lets look at, what exactly is economic espionage. Espionage and
intelligence is no longer the exclusive domain of monarchs and governments, it
has become a must for modern international business. Large corporations around
the world particularly in western Europe and Asia now hire agents to gather
intelligence on their competitors and other countries. The goal of economic
espionage is to steal trade secrets, plans and confidential procedures or
anything to give your company or country a competitive edge over another
(Perry:1996). The areas that interest industrial spies the most include
radiation transfer technology, systems diagnostic and testing software,
traveling wave tubes, aviation technologies, microwave monolithic integrated
circuits, inferred signature measures software, radar technologies, wet
powerful and that very few people are making a real effort to stop it. He
Bourke, E and Edwards, B. 1994. Aboriginal Australia. St Lucia, Queensland: University of Queensland Press.
In the nineteenth century, the “History wars” became the fight between the most prominent historians revolving around the deception of frontier conflict between the labor and coalition. The debate aroused from the different interpretations of the violence that took place during the European colonization and to what degree. It became a crisis in history, emerging from the dispossession of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (ATSI) that resulted in exclusion of their traditions and culture. The ATSI were the first people of Australia that brought along a different culture, language, kinship structures and a different way of life (Face the Facts, 2012). Post European colonization was a time where the ATSI people experienced disadvantage in the land they called home. With the paramount role as future educators, it demands proficient knowledge on the Australian history and one of the most influential moments in our history started from the first European settlers.
During World War I, congress would authorize two controversial pieces of legislation: the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition act of 1918. The Espionage Act was ratified in order to “suppress the spread of alleged disloyalty and to maintain the public image of remarkable national unity behind the war effort” (James and Wells, 71). The act inhibited the freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and some of which seems the antithesis of the First Amendment of the Constitution. Most of the Espionage Act would be in effect only during times of war, but two of the provisions stayed in effect during times of peace.
Hackers. You know them as gangly kids with radiation tans caused by too many late nights in front of a computer screen. Evil beings who have the power to wipe out your credit rating, cancel your cable TV, raise your insurance premiums, and raid your social security pension. Individuals who always avert their eyes and mumble under their breath about black helicopters and CIA transmissions. Paranoid, social deviants who could start World War III from the privacy of their bedrooms. Or so the mainstream media would have you believe.
The death penalty is the ultimate warning toward would-be criminals.[4] If a potential criminal knows that the punishment for their actions is going to be death, then fewer criminals will commit the crimes.
In his inner struggles for existence and the need to be seen, he takes actions to be notice. For example, in his place he had manage to install and light up 1,369 light bulbs with the electricity he is steeling, he claims “Perhaps you’ll think it strange an invisible man should need light, desire light, love light. But maybe it is because I am invisible. Lights confirms my reality, gives birth to my form.”(Paragraph #14) “The truth is the light and light is the truth.”(Paragraph #16) If you really where okay with being invisible you would have not be attracting that much attention by lighting all your space so that you are not even invisible to the blindest. In a way, by the lighting up of all of those bulbs he is hoping that the light will actually not let him go unseen. It would be really hard for anyone to miss him under so much light, it would be merely impossible to not be visible. Something else he does is listen to Louis Armstrong singing “What did I do to be so Black and Blue.” He has one radio-phonograph which he finds not to be enough since he wants five in total. He claims he likes to feel the vibration of the music playing in his whole body and would love to play all five radios at the same time in sync and see how they feel. “You hear this music simply because music is heard and seldom seen.” (Paragraph #22) In a way the music vibration reminds him that he is physically present and can actually feel sensations like any human could. Also is interesting the title of the song he chooses to play, as if looking for an answer to his current situation and somehow the song will do just that. And with music you just have to feel and hear not necessarily see anything with your
According to deathpenatlyinfo.org, currently there are 32 states with the death penalty and 18 states without the death penalty. Society has always punished people that do unlawful actions. Being that murder is the most is in highest interest of preventing, the strongest punishment available, the death penalty, is used. People may think when states sentence murderers to death that it would prevent future murderers from doing the same actions seeing that they will receive the same punishment. Deathpenaltycurriculum.org reports, “Moreover, even if some studies regarding deterrence are inconclusive, that is only because the death penalty is rarely used and takes years before an execution is actually carried out”. Not only that but some states that don’t have the death penalty have lower crimes rates than those that do. In my opinion the death penalty should be abolished due to many purposeful reasons including: financial costs, the process slowing down the court system, life in prison being far more effective, possibility of convicting and killing an innocent person, and violating “cruel and unusual” punishment clause.
It is illegal to make privacy of one's life. Surveillance is a commonplace occurrence in the society today. It exists in every corner of a nation from the corner of streets to discussion topics in movies, lecture halls, theater arenas and books. The privacy word is mentioned many times till its losing taste of its meaning. Surveillance is the exercise of keeping a close watch on something, somebody or set of activities (Richards 56). Many people say that Surveillance is unscrupulous. Nonetheless, we mainly do not distinguish the reason. People only have vague intuition the fact, and this accounts the reason the courts of justice do not protect it or the victim of circumstance of such. We recognize we don’t like it, and by the virtue that it contains something too with privacy, but past that, the revelations can be ambiguous (Boghosian 67). We have been to stay in this state of operation substantially because of the threat of constant Surveillance has been consigned to the realms of scientific studies and fictional activities and moreover to unsuccessful authoritarian states. Nevertheless, these warnings are no longer fictions due to
Surveillance is the monitoring of behaviour. In addition, surveillance system is the process of monitoring the behaviour of people, objects or processes within systems for conformity to expected or desired norms in trusted systems for security control (Cohen and Medioni, 1999). Video surveillance systems have existed 25 years ago whereby it started with 100% analogue system and gradually becoming digital system. The closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera is the most popular video surveillance because of its reliability and low price. The camera does not broadcast images but it records them, so that user can always check to see what occurred while they were away. It is widely used at public spaces and residences for security purposes.
...ding, deterring crime, and saving tax dollars. The death penalty also ensures equal justice in America and ensures justice to those deceased in homicides. In the future, such issues can be resolved by keeping the death penalty: overcrowding in prisons will be less likely to happen, more criminals would be apprehended because of the plea bargain and crime rates will go down. This changed America by locking up more criminals in prison in these past two millenniums alone then altogether in America before while deterring crime due to convicts facing the chance of execution and being placed on death row. The death penalty also ensures the innocent who have suffered as a victim in a homicide have received their justice. With this being said, the death penalty works as a solution to the overcrowded prisons and overwhelming crime rates in the United States.
Exploration led to colonization and was carried out for many reasons but the main reasons include religion, status, economic purposes, resources and militarily tactical purposes. Much of early colonization was for trading of raw materials between continents and countries. Dominant religions sought to spread gospel and “civilize” the indigenous people by making them conform to Western beliefs and ways. Status and recognition was also pursued by country leaders w...
Webster new explorer dictionary said that the definition of espionage is “the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company” (1999). Spies in World War 2 had very fun jobs but very dangerous jobs at the same time, but still lived a good life. Spies were used to gather secret information to help their countries win the war. People became spies because they to be loyal to their country. Female spies did the most work in helping their countries gain victory in the war.
One that possibly contributes to what makes us human(survival of the fittest). She juxtaposes love to a to a screenplay where “ main characters deliver their lines quietly, most often fully outside of your conscious awareness. As you move through your day, these biological characters- your brain, your oxytocin, and your vagus nerve- are ever responsive to set changes ( Frederickson 109-110).” We are introduced to the characters that make “love” happen in our bodies. The Princeton University study (211) provides an actual metric for Fredrickson's positivity resonance. “...the degree to which your brains lit up in synchrony…”. Scientists have found a way to quantify love. I find that
In human society, translation plays a significant role, which helps realize effective communication among people. Benjamin (as cited in Venuti, 2000) indicates translation is the mode, which plays a function of transmitting information; hence translatability determines whether the information could be effectively and appropriately delivered and is regarded as the “essential quality of certain works”. Throughout history, many scholars have developed translation theories, which provide various effective translation strategies and methods, to explore the translatability. Equivalence theory points out that all languages always share some similarities; hence the languages could be exchanged (Nida, as cited in Venuti, 2000). The skopos theory emphasizes