Individualism In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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In a world with no individualism, for people today and how they live today, it would very tough to live a world like the story of Anthem. Anthem depicts a world of the future, a collectivist dictatorship in which there is no individualism. Anthem seems like a world very hard place to live in because there is a word taken away from the English language that is necessary to communicate with others. Today people put themselves before anyone else which is not an entirely bad thing. In a world like Anthem it is most likely someone with great power is controlling the lives everyone else. If someone decided to take a part of a language, like a letter or word from a language, then it would be harder to communicate with others. In the case of Anthem, the word I and any other word that has to do with it (me, him, her, his, her, etc.) is banned. In the story, I is replaced with we and him/her is replaced with them/they. It is very hard to adapt to a world where a word that you use every day and is used by everyone to communicate with each other and for it to just be taken away, sounds ridiculous. …show more content…

Ayn Rand writes the novel Anthem because she fears that is Communism spreads that it could lead to events that happen in the story. Communism is a system that the Soviet Union used in the 20th century as a form of government. It is a system that the government controls everything about the people and everything they do like where they go to schools what jobs they can and can’t have. Ayn Rand writes this to warn people that this is what society could be like if communism didn’t end and who know if Communism still existed in places like it did 100 years ago the world might be like the one in

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