Individualism In 1984

1985 Words4 Pages

The roles of mass media, technology, and state in the society presented in the film 1984 directed by Michael Radford, cannot be underestimated, nor can the commentary about the past and possible future be ignored. The film 1984 is based on George Orwell’s novel 1984 where totalitarianism prevailed, individualism was dead, and reality and history were simply a matter of INGSOC opin-ion. According to Gary M. Grobman, “Totalitarianism is a form of government in which all socie-tal resources are monopolized by the state in an effort to penetrate and control all aspects of public and private life, through the state’s use of propaganda, terror, and technology.” Whereas the word individualism is an ideology that can be further broken down to the principle …show more content…

The film’s character Wilson Smith helps to demonstrate the importance of maintaining a balance between social standards in society and individualism within oneself. While Radford at-tempts to portray Oceania just realistically enough to convince viewers that such a society has, in fact, existed and may continue to exist if people forget the lessons taught by history or fail guard against dictatorial rulings. Based on Winston’s own thoughts and treatment a bystander is able to see first-hand how much control INGSOC has over the individual and society and better under-stand how the infliction of resocialization and total institution sheds people of their …show more content…

For example, the reporting facts and trusting words from the reporters of television networks in the United States of America that provides comprehen-sive coverage on big screen television, newspapers, internet, and literature denies the people to ex-ercise their critical thinking and render their own judgments. Most of these mass media are used to shape our opinions and anyone that deviate from the official interpretation of events and opinions may be labeled as “criminals” or “terrorists.” The deviants may undergo prosecution by the hands of their own brothers and sisters of society and chances are they will be placed into an involuntary resocialization total institution as to reaffirm their concepts of governance and self by endless tor-ture and torment. According to Erving Goffman the term resocialization is defined as “Radically changing an inmate’s personality by carefully controlling his or her environment,” while involun-tary can be justified by going against someone’s will, use of force, and the total institution sole purpose is to control all aspects of a person’s life under a single authority. By putting the concept together this is where the conflict perspective under Marxist View falls into place; showing how proletarians are constantly manipulated by the bourgeoisie for the benefits of governance and pow-er; privileges are

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