Indian War Research Paper

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Indian Wars were mostly armed conflicts experienced between the years 1860 to 1890. It was primarily between the Native Americans and the European settlers . The main cause of the war could be blamed to the greed of the settlers. The reason for blaming it on the greed is because they were always fighting for resources like land in particular. When the European settlers arrived in America, they were welcomed by the settlers. They started having an interest in land that belonged to Indians which required the Indians to be moved or relocated. A treaty was signed between the Indians and the settlers where the Indians agreed to be moved to certain locations while the settlers occupied the Natives’ land . It is argued that the Indians were tricked into signing since they were illiterate and did not know what they were signing in the agreement. …show more content…

They kept on pushing the Indians and grabbing their land. A good example is when they discovered there was gold in Colorado . The settlers invaded driving the Indians away. Additionally, this annoyed the Indians and forced them to retaliate to defend their land. Hence, this led to a series of war in the late nineteenth century. The other main cause of the war was the harsh treatment of the Natives by the settlers. After they had been pushed to small reservations, they had to earn their living by being forced to work in the settlers’ land which initially was theirs. The settlers mistreated them making the Indians work under inhumane conditions. They discriminated Indians treating them as inferior human beings. The Settlers disrespected the native culture and forced them to adopt the European culture. Furthermore, this angered the natives forcing them to revolt against the settlers and the

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