In- Class DBQ

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The Civil Rights Movement attempted to correct the failures of Reconstruction, but it was not executed well. The movement was counteracted by the many conflicts it faced due to the opposition of what it was fighting for. One attempt made to correct this failure was the permanent desegregation of all public schools across the country. In the celebration of the Brown v. Board of Education all public schools were integrated with both races. Before this integration there were all white and all black schools. This was in favor of the idea of “separate but equal”. But, it was proven by the “woeful and systematic under funding of the black schools” things were separate but rarely equal. (Source 9) As a solution to this,it was decided that a fully integrated society began with the nation’s schools. (Source 9) Two years after one of the first integration of schools at Little Rock, Effie Jones Bowers helped desegregate the nearby school, Hall High School. The students were put into an all white school like at Central High School. According to one of the students, they were faced with vio...

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