Impressionism: The Art Form Of Art In The 19th Century

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Impressionism was the art form of 19th century. It was the art form that influenced almost all of the good artwork as well as sculpture styles of that period. It is surprising to know how an art form so famous came into being. In the year 1874, some 4 painters set up their own exhibition after being ridiculed and abandoned by the art society in Paris. These painters were Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, and Degas; 4 of the most famous names in impressionist art culture. The most notable feature of these paintings is that most of them depict outdoor landscapes and the painting clearly shows a technique of rapid brush application. This brush application pattern was the trademark technique of the impressionist movement that prevailed in the late 19th and early 20th century and inspired artists like Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, and Pissaro among many others.
The impressionist era was important for more than one reason. One was that it was a time when industries had started coming up, urbanisation was on a rise and new paint techniques were being devised. With advancement in technology and understanding of colours, artists started mixing colours from their palette to come up with new shades and used them in their paintings. They started mixing …show more content…

Traditionally, painters focussed on glorifying human actions by painting historical, religious or mythical personalities in a glorified fashion. Even though nature was included, it was merely a dramatic background for allegorical themes. The impressionists however, focussed more on daily routine of people and of city life. They painted more of what was actually happening in the city and there was no moral lesson in the painting, or no story being told by the painter. It was merely a depiction of a passing moment that an artist

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