Corruption In Wasps

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In Wasps, Aristophanes tried to educate the audience about the corruption within the justice system. Throughout the play, Aristophanes continuously says that the justice system is a farce. To emphasise how corrupt the justice system truly is, he uses a multitude of humour devices in his play Wasps to get this message across. Such as, Neologism. As mentioned earlier, Aristophanes hated Cleon and everything that he stood for, so it was only fitting for him to name two of his main characters after him. One is named Philocleon, which means a lover of Cleon, while the other, his son, is named Bdelycleon, which means a hater of Cleon. Throughout, the play, Philocleon is called many names. However, one of the names that sticks is “trialophile.” A …show more content…

In fact, he develops a God complex and compares his power, to that of Zeus. The King of the Gods. In the Agon, Philocleon and Bdelycleon are arguing with one another about Philocleon’s addiction. Philocleon tries to convince his son that being on the jury is the most prestigious honour anyone could have and the power that comes with it, is on a parallel with Zeus himself. “As to power, am I not equal to the king of the gods?” Aristophanes is trying to show the audience how power can corrupt a person. Resulting in that person fulfilling their own desires, and negatively affecting everyone around them. Philocleon is so corrupted from the power of being a jury member, that we see his corruption becoming an addiction when he tries to escape his house multiple times, in order for him to attend any trial as a jury member. He tries escaping through his chimney, but is thwarted by his son’s guards when they spot him. He even tries to escape by wrapping his body around the abdomen of a donkey with his head under its tail, meaning that his face is resting in a very unfavourable …show more content…

As mentioned earlier, Blackadder is on trial for shooting a carrier pigeon in this episode. His sentence was court martial then death by firing squad. The judge which gives him this sentence, is against Blackadder from the start. The jury also decides that Blackadder is guilty before the trial even begins. This is similar to the play Wasps, as characters like Philocleon make their decision for the trial beforehand, meaning the actual trial is just a waste of time. During the trial of the carrier pigeon, the judge, General Melchett, also happens to be the owner of the carrier pigeon that Blackadder kills, calls Blackadder a ‘pigeon murderer.’ The humour device used here is known as a hyperbole. The trial depicts how corrupt the court system is, as it emphasises how biased the court system really was during that time. In the play Wasps, Philocleon is infatuated with giving the people on trial a guilty verdict, this is similar to Blackadder Goes Forth, as people like General Melchett were able to be the judge, even though their opinion is biased from the

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