Importance Of Creativity In Advertising

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Introduction to the Project Topic

As I have earlier mentioned that our report is based on “CREATIVE IMAGINATION” so it necessary to know the concept of creativity.
Creativity is the mental characteristic that allows a person to think outside of the box, which results in innovative or different approaches to a particular task. It requires passion and commitment. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. It does not arise in a vacuum; it requires a certain degree of both general knowledge and field-specific knowledge. In this something new and value able is created such as an idea, a design, a literary work, a painting or musical composition, a solution, an invention etc.
Imagination is the ability to imagine …show more content…

Creativity is the soul of advertising and branding. It is what gives life to messages about products and services, otherwise it will be boring or insignificant in the hearts and minds of target customers. Creativity makes advertising much more (four times more) effective than non-creative advertising.
• It transforms boring ads to interesting ads.
• Creative ads achieve …show more content…

• It creates loyal customers

The use of color in your advert adds to production and placement cost, and has been found to be well worth the increased costs because of:
• Attention- holding power of the ad increases when color is used.
• People are conditioned to color stimuli.
• Products look better – especially food.
• Creates an image of prestige.
• Greater message recall
Selecting color connotations
• RED- Passion, action, fire, heat, danger, anger.
• BLUE- cool, truth, purify, formality, sadness.
• GREEN- Calm, youth, nature, wet, ignorance, immaturity.
• BLACK – Mystery, mourning, death, elegance, heaviness.
• YELLOW- light, optimism, cheerfulness, dishonesty.
• ORANGE- Fire, heat, action, harvest, fall.
• WHITE – Cleanliness, purity, virginity.
• SILVER- diffusive, gentle, touching, soft
• BROWN- Earth, dirty, dull, boring, worthy, unexciting, uncompromising.
Some tips on Visuals
• Great Illustration is vital- only 4 ads per magazine are read.
• Put story appeal into the illustration.
• Illustration should portray reward.
• To attract woman- show woman and babies.
• To attract men- show men
• Avoid historical

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