Importance Of Clean Water Essay

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“OH SAY CAN YOU SEE”..... All the clean water that's beings wasted. Everyday water is being depleted because of the billions of people who don't care for those struggling in developing nations. Clean water is essential for our everyday living and society. Clean water is vital to a humans health, to our living standards, and in some circumstances clean water may not be found in bottled water; therefore leading people to not drink clean water. All over the world, 1.1 billion people don't have access to regulated clean water, and suffer from waterborne diseases, which are one of the leading causes for death worldwide. With that said, clean water is becoming an essential living resource for our daily use. Lack of basic needs, such as water, leads to different poverty regions, which attempt to withhold a “normal” civilization but fail due to their water and economically poor culture. Do you think you would be in as good health conditions if you were not provided with clean water that one takes for granted?

Clean water is an essential natural resource that is critical to a human's health. Everywhere around the world people don't have access to clean drinking water, which can cause immediate or long term harm. Water is extremely safe and potable (drinkable) but in some cases, certain places don't have the right economy to raise money to afford clean water. People in these poverty areas are forced to drink sources of contaminated water which can contain diseases such as vectors, pathogens, toxins, and suspended solids that could cause widespread acute and or chronic illnesses. Thus, this explains how clean water is a life sustaining drink and is mandatory for the survival of most organisms; for...

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...poverty include being water poor and economically poor, third world countries usually have poverty. Not having the accessibility of clean water leads to diseases, which cause deaths throughout countries (third world), and extreme poverty. Even though other countries/places aren't as fortunate as Canada, Canadians are lucky to have the stability and threshold of clean water.

“OH SAY CAN YOU SEE”.......All the clean water that's being wasted; but it doesn't have to be this way. People have to start realizing that clean water is essential because it is vital to a humans health, to our living standards, and in some circumstances clean water may not be found in bottled water; therefore leading people to not drink clean water. The reasons listed are to give our society an understanding of what is going on in our world. Together we can make our world a better place.

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