Implications Of Social Psychology

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1.1. Background information
Social psychology deals with the human behavior in relation to surroundings. Behavior perspective, cognitive perspective, psychodynamic perspective and social interaction perspective are the different perspective, in which social psychology always roams. Social psychologist use a number of different technical methods to conduct research on social psychology and these methods allow researchers to test hypothesis and theories and look for relationships between different characteristics as variables. Variables are identified in research which helps us to measure concepts. In social psychological research, some variables are manipulated and some are measured. Manipulated variables are independent and …show more content…

The incorporeal nature of mental phenomena cannot be observed that excludes from being observed and measured directly. Nature of human being is specific and indeterminable. That making different in measurement as like physical objects. Unlike inanimate objects whose nature is relatively durable, psychological phenomena are colored by fleeting wants, desires, fears, and the like. Analytical approach for psychology is inappropriate because individual character has a unity that is more than the sum of its parts. And human affairs are value laden (Chow, 2002). About the complexity of social psychological research, Dennis (2011) has stated that, Psychology is not simply about learning what conclusions have been reached on a particular topic. It is perhaps more important to find out and carefully evaluate the evidence which has led to these conclusions. These phenomena are making research in social psychology challenging and …show more content…

Experimental research gives out solid evidence of change in an independent variables casus differences in dependent variables but, non-experimental does not. This makes distinction in between experimental and non-experimental research. Generally experimental research is suitable for a specific research question or hypothesis about a causal relationship between two variables and if it is possible, feasible and ethical to manipulate the independent variables (Bushman, 2001). But, if these conditions are not met, non-experimental research is suitable and

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