Imperialism In The Philippines Essay

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American imperialism is a terrible, unjust process that happened in this country’s history. For example, America had been aiding the Philippines with improving their economy and their new government, but America turned this kind act into the Philippines being obliged to allow governmental intrusion from the rising world power. America also interfered past its boundary and forced its talons in Cuba and the effects still last to this day. Eventually, America was interfering with relationships between other countries and issues have come from this “world police” concept. In all these situations, America could have taken a different approach such as supporting and protecting the nations instead of forcing imperialism on them.
After issues with …show more content…

Teller said that “we should not leave the Philippines, in a worse condition than they had begun with, as prey for another country to come and rule. Instead we should support them morally, let them build their selves up as their own country, and protect them from any imposing country.” (Ladenburg The Philippines). Senator McLaurin thought in the form of religious conquest. He stated “it is not God’s will for us to expand and rule over other nations similar to manifest destiny. We should not get involved in any rivalries and just stay a peaceful, supporting country. We should allow the Philippines to build up themselves much like we did in our time.” (Ladenburg The Philippines). Senator Lodge was supporting American Imperialism of the Philippine islands because “they have resources that are untouched that we could make a profit from and it could provide as a great foreign import,” but Senator Caffery explained why this argument is invalid by saying “the costs for our country will exceed the profits because we don’t trade with far Eastern countries and civilians along the equator live off very little. Not only this but we can keep the Philippines as an ally for trade to where we can still have a supply of these rich resources” (Ladenburg The Philippines). Not only that, but America is doing what Britain did to them when they became a …show more content…

This concept came from the creation of the Monroe Doctrine under President Roosevelt. The Monroe Doctrine states that America will take any nations attempts to do anything in the Western hemisphere as a threat, but no country actually followed it (Ladenburg The Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary). However, some nations in the Western hemisphere were displeased with the way America was trying to be the “world police”. For example, a Latin American citizen, Luis Drago, stood up against the U.S. and their Roosevelt Corollary. The Drago Doctrine stated that America forcing countries and nations to pay debt to them to pay to their debtors was wrong. America being the “world police” has not only created issues with the country they are imposing on, but also with European countries trying to handle their own international

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