Imperialism In India

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Imperialism in India lasted 190 years, from 1757 to 1947. India was taken over by the British for their interests in the potential for power and goods that were available there. However, the British were pressured to take India by some of Europe, including the French and Dutch, because they all wanted to share the resources that could be removed. The overall effects on the British imperializing India were negative.
Imperialism is the domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region (Ellis). There are several different types of imperial rule. The first is direct. The French used direct rule and it was when they would send officials and soldiers from France to administer colonies. The goal of direct rule was to inflict French culture and create French provinces. The second form was indirect and it was used by the British when they imperialized India. Indirect rule is when they used chiefs or local rulers and encouraged children to get an education in Britain. Using this method they created a new “Westernized” generation to carry on the indirect rule. However, Britain could still look to military force if its control over the imperialized nation was endangered (Ellis). The Westerners could also use protectorate. Protectorate was when local rulers were left in place but were anticipated to follow the advise of the European advisors. Using this method was inexpensive and did not require forces by the military. The last form was the sphere of influence. The sphere of influence was an area in which the outside power claimed investment or trading privileges. The outside power would create the spheres to prevent conflict within themselves (Ellis).
The British interest in India started e...

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...ernment of India Act was passed in 1935 granting self-rile in India and democratic political reforms. However, as India got closer to independence, Hindus and Muslims began to disagree on government but in 1947 independence was granted. Immediately after independence India was split into two different nations, Pakistan, which had a majority of Muslim, and East Pakistan (“The End of Imperialism & Colonialism”).
The 190 years of Imperialism in India by the British were over all a negative experience for the country. However, a few good things did come out of imperialism like transportation. Britain became selfish and inconsiderate towards the Indian people and only did what helped their country and their economy. Because of the imperialism India’s people became hostile towards each other and later, after being freed from British rule, broke out into a civil war.

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