Imperialism in India lasted 190 years, from 1757 to 1947. India was taken over by the British for their interests in the potential for power and goods that were available there. However, the British were pressured to take India by some of Europe, including the French and Dutch, because they all wanted to share the resources that could be removed. The overall effects on the British imperializing India were negative.
Imperialism is the domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region (Ellis). There are several different types of imperial rule. The first is direct. The French used direct rule and it was when they would send officials and soldiers from France to administer colonies. The goal of direct rule was to inflict French culture and create French provinces. The second form was indirect and it was used by the British when they imperialized India. Indirect rule is when they used chiefs or local rulers and encouraged children to get an education in Britain. Using this method they created a new “Westernized” generation to carry on the indirect rule. However, Britain could still look to military force if its control over the imperialized nation was endangered (Ellis). The Westerners could also use protectorate. Protectorate was when local rulers were left in place but were anticipated to follow the advise of the European advisors. Using this method was inexpensive and did not require forces by the military. The last form was the sphere of influence. The sphere of influence was an area in which the outside power claimed investment or trading privileges. The outside power would create the spheres to prevent conflict within themselves (Ellis).
The British interest in India started e...
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...ernment of India Act was passed in 1935 granting self-rile in India and democratic political reforms. However, as India got closer to independence, Hindus and Muslims began to disagree on government but in 1947 independence was granted. Immediately after independence India was split into two different nations, Pakistan, which had a majority of Muslim, and East Pakistan (“The End of Imperialism & Colonialism”).
The 190 years of Imperialism in India by the British were over all a negative experience for the country. However, a few good things did come out of imperialism like transportation. Britain became selfish and inconsiderate towards the Indian people and only did what helped their country and their economy. Because of the imperialism India’s people became hostile towards each other and later, after being freed from British rule, broke out into a civil war.
Imperialism is the domination of a weaker country by a stronger country. For instance Britain dominated India and China in the mid 1880s to the beginning of the 20th century. Imperialism has had both a positive and negative effects on the countries involved. Britain was imperialistic for many reasons, it could dominate because it had the technology and power to do so. They also needed land to acquire raw materials for growing markets.
Imperialism is when a mother nation takes over another nation and become its colony for political, social, and economical reasons. Imperialism is a progressive force for both the oppressors (mother country) and the oppressed (colony), majorly occurring during the late 19th and early 20th century. It had more negative effects than positive effects due to its domination to other nations.
Imperialism is a policy of a country’s empire that extends its military power across other lands to get more contry of a area or region. England imperised the places that they did to ether get control over land. To get better access of trade, or just wanted to have more military power in the areas. The affected regions that England imperialized was intended to get access to more trade and to have a greater impact on the regions they were in.
One could approach this topic from two points of view; the British and the Indian. One could choose either party and find very different opinions. When British colonizers first arrived in India, they slowly gained more and more control in India through many ways, the most prominent being trade and commerce. At first, they managed India’s government by pulling the string behind the curtain. However, soon they had acquired complete rule over India, converting it into a true British colony. The British considered Indian civilization to be inferior and implemented their western ways overriding ancient Indian customs. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that British imperialism in India resulted in both positive as well as negative reforms in political, economic and social aspects of its new colony.
Imperialism is the practice by which powerful nations or peoples seek to extend and maintain control or influence over weaker nations or peoples. By the 1800’s, the Western powers had advantages in this process. They led the world in technological advances, giving them a dominance when conquering other countries. The European Imperialists made attempts to conquer China and Japan. In this process, they succeeded by influencing Japan greatly. However, they were not as successful with China.
British imperialism on India had many positive and negative affects on both the mother country, Britain and the colony, India. Many people would argue which effects were more prominent in these countries and some would agree that they were equal. But in both cases there were actually both.
There is no doubt that British imperialism had a large impact on India. India, having previously been an group of independent and semi-independent princedoms and territories, underwent great change under British administration. Originally intended to consolidate their hold on India by establishing a population that spoke the same language as their rulers, the British decision in the 1830s to educate Indians in a Western fashion, with English as the language of instruction, was the beginning of a chain of events, including a rise in Indian nationalism, that led to Indian resentment of British imperialism and ultimately to the loss of British control over India.
Imperialism is the policy or action by which one country controls another country or territory. Most such control is achieved by military means to gain economic and political advantages. Such a policy is also called expansionism. An expansionist state that obtains overseas territories follows a policy usually called colonialism. An imperialist government may wish to gain new markets for its exports, plus sources of inexpensive labor and raw materials. A far-flung empire may satisfy a nation's desire for military advantage or recognition as a world power.
At the end of the nineteenth century, a new trend among the larger countries came about; imperialism. This is the process of one country taking charge of another country. Imperialism is made up of three main processes. The first process is military force, in this process a country will send military troops into other countries to physically implement new rules and behaviors when necessary. The second aspect of imperialism is global trade. The United States of America is always looking for new ways to bring in money, so by imperializing other countries and using the newly acquired land and goods, the superior country would make a profit. The last tool of imperialism is diplomacy (the making of deals without violence). From 1895 to 1945 imperialism
Imperialism is the domination by one country of political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region and occurred during the 1800’s in Africa. Imperialism in Africa was caused by four factors in Europe: economy, politics/military, humanitarian/religion, and Social Darwinism (Ellis). The Industrial Revolution in Europe caused the need for oversea expansion because the manufacturers needed things like: rubber, petroleum, and palm oil all of which Africa had. Europe moving into Africa was also caused by nationalism, when France went into Africa so did Britain (Ellis). The difference between France and Britain was the way of rule they used. There are four different methods of imperialism: direct, indirect, protectorate, and sphere of influence. The most popular were direct and indirect. The French used direct, they sent officials and soldiers from France to administer their colonies and their purpose was to inflict French culture on their colonies and make them into French provinces (Ellis). The British, however, used indirect, they used chiefs to oversee their colonies and encouraged the children in the colonies to get education in Britain. The British “Westernized” their colonies and only used military force when threatened (Ellis).
The concept of imperialism is one that has pervaded nearly every major society or empire throughout human history. It seems to be a natural consequence of societies growing in size, power, and knowledge. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries vast changes occurred in Western Europe (and soon spread elsewhere) that spurred a new round of imperialism the likes of which had not been seen before. The changes were the industrial revolution that was taking place. Countries were rapidly advancing to industrial societies producing much greater quantities of goods at much lower costs. The goods produced ranged everywhere from cotton textiles to military machinery, all of which would play important roles in rounds of imperialistic expansion that would follow. The imperialistic displays by Western European nations also brought about several other industrial revolutions in other regions including the Ottoman Empire, Russia, and Japan. I will take a look at how the industrial revolution encouraged imperialistic expansion, as well as some of the results of that expansion in other regions.
There is a distinct difference between popular Indian nationalism, that is the nation believing in a state independent of Britain, and Indian nationalist movements, for example the Muslim League or the Hindu revivalist movement. These movements fought for independence but were far more religiously orientated and were fighting in their own interests. Although Indian nationalism initially found expression in the Mutiny of 1857, its deve...
The British administered India for a period of about two centuries and brought about revolutionary changes in
...tween the Hindus and Muslims, Jinnah felt that Muslims had no future in India (Overfield 216). With the end of British rule in 1947, not only did India gain its independence but also along with it was born an other country, Pakistan where Jinnah served as the first governor (Overfield 216). With the gain of India’s independence, Gandhi was shot the following year in 1948 by a Hindu zealot who resented his commitment to Hindu – Muslim harmony (Overfield 212).
Imperial Britain was the most powerful empire of its time. The British would capture any country that they felt had resources to offer. There is no argument that the British made their impact on the way India is today. India, before Britain, was a country filled with groups of independent princedoms but this all changed under British rule. The British introduced English to the Indians and later on started educating the Indians in a Western Fashion. In addition to the language they brought to India, they also brought industrial advances with them. Even though the British took harsh measure to gain rule of India, India would not be as developed as it is now without the British and would not be one of the world 's largest industrial countries