Impeachment Essay

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An impeachment is written in the Constitution and is a formal document charging a public official, specifically the President, Vice President and all civil Officers, with misconduct while in office. It is a formal process where an official is accused of unlawful activity, including Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors (Linder, 1999). It includes removal of officials from office.
Throughout history, there have been two impeachment cases in the United States, involving President Andrew Johnson and President Bill Clinton. The following paper will discuss their impeachments and trials, along with ethical dilemmas in their cases. It will also discuss the almost impeachment of Richard Nixon and his resignation to avoid impeachment and conviction, along with ethical dilemmas in his case. Lastly, it will include a personal input of these cases.
Andrew Johnson served as the 17th President of the United States. The Presidential term he served was 1865-1869. Prior to his term, Abraham Lincoln served as President. Abraham Lincoln had a plan of reconstruction prior to his assassination. When Andrew Johnson was in office, he planned on carrying out Lincoln’s proposal. The policy was not very popular, particularly for the so-called Radical Republicans in congress, however. Neither Andrew Johnson nor the Republicans were willing to compromise, therefore, there were issues. This lead to Johnson breaching the Tenure of Office Act by removing Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War, from the cabinet. “Both Lincoln and Johnson had experienced problems with Stanton, an ally of the Radicals in Congress. Stanton's removal, therefore, was not only a political decision made to relieve the discord between the President and his cabinet, but a t...

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I think criminal proceedings could be appropriate in these cases. I think the Nixon case should definitely have criminal proceedings, because all of the illegal acts that he did. I think there should be criminal proceedings for Clinton lying under oath. I also think it could be argued that Johnson should have had criminal proceedings, because he violated a federal law.
Although impeachment proceedings are executed in the same way, these cases had some differences and similarities. Johnson stayed in office after his impeachment trial, Nixon left office before he could be impeached, and Clinton was actually impeached and removed from office. Each case had ethical dilemmas, illegal activity, and political motivation behind the impeachments. These cases raise ethical questions and arguments, especially about the standards of the President of the United States.

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