Impact of the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition

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The year of 1803 significantly changed our nation eternally. It stunned many people. In no way, shape or form, did we ever believe that our nation would expand so rapidly. What started with the small purchase of New Orleans led into the substantial purchase of the Louisiana Territory. This was a purchase that will make Thomas Jefferson a man to be remembered. Although, he wasn’t the only man who impacted the United States during this time period. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are the two men that are greatly known for their expedition across the Louisiana Territory. These two subjects, the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition, altered our nation immeasurably. The Louisiana Purchase came as a surprise that neither Thomas Jefferson nor anyone else had ever dreamed of. It began with Thomas Jefferson sending two men, James Monroe and Robert R. Livingston, to Paris to negotiate the acquisition of New Orleans with the government of the feared Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon had roused fears once France acquired Louisiana from the Spanish. Concerned with French intentions, Thomas Jefferson took immediate action and sent his two men to negotiate. The negotiation didn’t go as intended at all. We asked to buy New Orleans, but Napoleon offered the entire Louisiana Territory. Apparently, Napoleon had little use for Louisiana. He also couldn’t spare any troops to defend the enormous amount of territory. Napoleon needed funds more than anything, so he could support his military ventures in Europe. This led to the exhilarating time of April, 1803 when Napoleon offered to sell Louisiana to the United States. The primary reason Thomas Jefferson dispatched James Monroe and Robert R. Livingston to negotiate was because we wer... ... middle of paper ... ...rious Americans without a doubt impacted our nation immensely. Thomas Jefferson was primarily responsible for the Louisiana Purchase Treaty. This treaty doubled the physical size of the United States. It also guaranteed that we would have access to key water ways for supply transportation purposes. The Lewis and Clark Expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are the reason we have so much information about our country and its inhabitants. These three men will forever be famous historical figures in our American history. The impact of their actions on America as we know it will be passed on to all the generations to come. Works Cited 1) 2) 3) 4)

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