Impact Of Social Media On Law Enforcement

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Social Media

Alizi M. Douglas

Campbell University


Social networking has become the new phenomena that has the whole world using it. Now law enforcement are learning techniques and strategies that are helping them being able to make accurate and precise decisions being able to catch criminals. There are a variety of ways that social media helps law enforcement due their job efficiently. With law enforcement learning the ways of the internet, criminals are also learning how social networking can benefit their criminal acts as well. With this in mind, police officers has to be cautious and stay one step ahead of their peers because if their not, a lot more crime can escalate within this world. …show more content…

The reason is that potential targets put a lot more information voluntarily online because they think law enforcement are not apart social media the way they are. All that does is help police officers paint more of a vivid picture of what individuals are doing. For example, there can be applicable information that has been obtained from a suspect who is in a drug organization that attended a family gathering and posted it on their Facebook page. That can help police officers and investigators build an “association web” of that individual. As far as certain areas, street names and people that individual associates with. Images also play a critical role in helping investigators and law enforcement figure out crimes due to Metadata and geotagging of images. That provides key information on when and where pictures or even videos were taken place. Most pedophiles are actually caught in this this regard by taking or saving certain pictures to their electronic devices that are often traced. More good news, is that social media isn’t the only tool that help police officers and investigators. Government websites can provide useful information from your state, your city, your county, your neighborhood, and even your house. You can find out when, where and whom you bought your house from. In addition, information of who your …show more content…

With the increase of the criminals using social networking tools, it can also make the police’s job a living nightmare. That definitely doesn’t make it better with the improvements of the internet and what can be found on it each day. For example, criminals using small mobile devices alone can greatly cause damage. Instances such as sending out viruses, false IDs, or forwarding a planned attack can all be done at the end of their fingertips. In earlier times it would often take a lot more time and effort to pull of such successful catastrophes. With criminals having the ability to be able to perform such crimes at such a faster rate, it forces police officers to speed up their investigative processes to be able to catch these criminals. Just as fast as they made a crime, they can get rid of evidence or erase their footprint so investigators may never know when their number one lead can drive them into a cold case. This leads to the biggest problem of law enforcement which is the obtaining and retaining of social media records. Let's say an individual who is apart of a gang posts footage of him and his gang at their crack house with a whole bunch of illegal drugs and weapons to their Facebook. If a case is being built against that certain individual, that footage would be very useful to bring to court but the only problem is that there are no set time frames for when a specific video is

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