Impact Of Felis Catus On Australian Biodiversity

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Annotated Bibliography Template
Name: Jessica McCourt Student No: c3269411
What are the impacts of feral cats, Felis catus, on Australian biodiversity?
Write in full, using proper sentences and include in-text references.
Approximately 200 words, excluding references.

Felis catus the domestic cat, an introduced species as a direct result of the human population is responsible for 26% of the extinction of the total population of Birds, mammals, and reptiles worldwide. This has severe implications and a threat to Australian Biodiversity. The major impact suffered as a result of the Felis catus on Australian Biodiversity is the decline and in some cases extinction of mammals. Predation being responsible for the impact on …show more content…

Source Type: Academic book

Citation Doherty, T., Dickman, C., Johnson, C., Legge, S., Ritchie, E. and Woinarski, J. (2016). Impacts and management of feral cats Felis catus in Australia. Mammal Review, 47(2), pp.83-97.

Content Summary This article reviews the impacts and management of feral cats Felis catus in Australia. It provides information on the impacts of biodiversity and the main factors responsible including; predation, competition and disease transmission. It also discusses the impacts on agriculture, history and distribution and how the feral cat was introduced, the areas of land surface the feral cat is now established in.
The management and control measures both lethal and non-lethal that have been put in place and priorities for future management and research. Their research focuses on a wide variety of factors that contribute to providing a well-informed understanding and providing an overall picture of the impacts that are caused by the feral cat on Australian …show more content…

It discusses the need for control methods to counteract the impacts of the feral cat. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed the feral cat to be among one of the worst invasive species. The methods used to control the impacts of the feral cat such as shooting, trapping, baiting are all lethal methods being described as

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