Imagination Essay

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Since the first sign of the human civilization until now, human had invented many great inventions to support their daily lives. The invention of the human become more modern and complex day by day, at the time period before Common Era, human used cave as houses, and manipulated rocks to be their weapons to hunt, thus, at that time, rock was one of the very important thing to the human civilization. Human, then, knew how to create fire and use it to cook food. As time moved on, human finally reach the agricultural era, which they found out how to grow crop and harvest them for food or trading purpose. Nearest to the present, the world experienced the industrial era, which brings the living conditions of the civilization to a whole …show more content…

Therefore, everything comes with imagination of the inventor. Imagination, basically, can be defined as the creativity of the mind in order to form new ideas, images, or concepts that is not present. Imagination has appeared long time ago since people using graphic to communicate with each other. According to Genevieve von Petzinger, in her videos, she states that the people in the past did not have any precursor to copy the graphic idea from, but the fact is that people had developed the ability to imagine long time ago. There are different ways of communications, but people long time ago used graphic calculator frequently. Moreover, without the education people still could use their imaginations to draw things on the rocks in caves to transfer their messages. Beside what Petzinger pointed out in the video, the accomplishment of the inventors throughout the history also prove that imagination is an indispensable factor for people to approach new knowledge as well as to produce more fascinating things for the …show more content…

Reason is defined as a cause or an explanation for a certain action or event, and it is also an attempt to explain the world. Reason and imagination work very closely together since reason usually lead to an imagination. Reason appears in daily of everybody since every action that seems very commonsense comes with a reason. The reason people go to gym every day is to have a healthy looking shape, or something simpler as going to Academic Inquiry class three day a week to have an A, thus everything goes along with a reason. As Genevieve tells that she and her husband over two years has spent more than three hundred hours crawling and hiking underground just to look for those graphic patterns. What is the reason for that? The reason is to gather all the patterns that still exist until now, so that they can have a chance to study about those patterns, and understand it. Therefore, she and her husband found out that the patterns are actually the same as our alphabet since there thirty two patterns keep repeating. Thus, for them, their hard work paid off since they had accomplished their purpose or reason of gathering those patterns and finding the unique of them. Therefore, come along with the imagination, reason is also an indispensable factor for an individual to start on any particular

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