Imagery Of Stephen King's Graveyard Shift And 'The Yellow Wallpaper'

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How do authors such as Stephen King and Charlotte Perkins Gilman get readers to feel the way they do, if we don’t include imagery? They use Psychology. It’s notable through King’s Graveyard Shift and Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper, which will be analyzed for you. King is a man of many horrors but it’s easy to agree psychological destruction may just be his favorite cup of tea. That being said, let’s discuss his 1970 short story, Graveyard shift. It’s dark, the moon is up, and, a massive cleaning effort at the mill, called out his name. Hall. Warwick, his boss, takes him and his men to the basement to clean out a rat infestation. There, they find a sub-basement and the most terrifying things they’d ever laid eyes on. Throughout the story, King …show more content…

Hall and Warwick were left alone to go deeper down. While down there, they found enormous rats covering the floors, crunching every time they walked, pterodactyl sized rats with wings and the farther they walked they found the mother of all beasts. To save himself, Hall pushes Warwick into the mother and she eats him alive while screeching into the dark abyss, and Hall tries running away but is trailed by rats crawling up his body eating him alive as well, feeding, as he laughs, practically going insane. “The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to rise from the bottomless pit and go to destruction. And the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel to see the beast, because it was and is not and is to come.” (Bible, Revelation 17:8) The sub-basement in the short story is symbolic of hell -- the deeper they went, the bigger the demon they found, the more terrifying and horrific things got. At the very ending where Hall is being eaten alive, he laughs a high pitched laugh while feeling his body fall numb and this wouldn 't be possible if he hadn’t been working the graveyard shift. Working at night means working with the moon and …show more content…

To start off, first, the narrator thinks that the house her and her husband John are renting for the next three months is haunted or it wouldn’t be as cheap as it is for being such a beautiful place. Another thing is that she unhappy in her marriage. Her husband doesn’t listen to her, tells her she’s wrong and laughs at her. She is feeling very unwell and all he says is she has temporary nervous depression and only tells her to stay in bed and do nothing. The way she describes things is very bleak, dark, depressing. She keeps going back to thoughts of the house being haunted and gets anxious. She becomes angry with John for no reason sometimes and thinks it’s from her ‘nervous condition’. Something the reader may not catch onto when she talks about how she doesn’t like her bedroom is how she took the nursery, so right away, we know she has a baby. She feels trapped with the barred windows and not being able to go anywhere, having to just lay down and look at the most revolting yellow wallpaper shes ever seen. Writing the story alone makes her extremely exhausted and she says that John doesn’t know the extent of her suffering. Eventually, it’s made known that she can’t even go near her own child and it makes her increasingly nervous. She has unwanted thoughts throughout the entire story of the terrifying ugly yellow

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