Image Of Body Image In Barbie Doll, By Marge Piercy

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In global media and advertising, there are many female stereotypical images of body image and self-worth. Whatever the norms are for how women should fit in or how skinny their body should be affect many young ladies, when they hit puberty. Once girls reach their puberty, they become self-aware and try to change their body image to please others and to fit within society. Nevertheless, the girls grew up with Barbie dolls and fairy princess with physical features are perfect and unrealistic, yet are still an iconic over a long time. It is possible that children’s toys, such as Barbie are more than simply a plaything. It imparts a message of how things should be, wanting to be a kid forever, rather than living with the differences and changes that life throws at. This need to have the perfect thing is what they think most likely leads to their acceptance in society by physically altercating themselves. Yet over the years, there has not been much change, as women have gone through emotional and physical condemnation, simply because they are not the perfect woman. In the poem, “Barbie ...

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