Ignorance Is Ignorance

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Ignorance is a Bliss?
“What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” A very ignorant proverb, yet popular in the English language. Humankind has challenged many important tasks at hand. Anywhere from finding food and sustenance, to developing theories of the existential. But due to Ignorance and laziness of humankind. The preposterous idea of a dystopian future of “The Machine Stops” written a century ago is becoming a modern day reality. In fact, when comparing the society of twenty first century to the one envisioned by E.M. Forester, the role of technology in society is identical. Also, the idea of conforming to society has created an illiterate culture shared by both societies, reinforcing the fact that both societies are related. In contrast the settings the two societies exist in are different, this gap gives the society of the twenty first century to adjust and correct the future.
In the past society was able to advance because of science. science has played a major role in discovery. The product of these major discoveries was technology. Technology mankind would use to assist in the search for answers. Used most commonly as an extension of the human biology. The Hubble telescope is a great representation of this phenomenon because it extends our biological sense of sight. But now, in the twenty first century the idea that technology is assisting mankind, has long been abandoned by most people of the twenty first century. Due to ignorance and laziness of humankind, the role of technology as shifted from assisting people in problems, to providing answers to problems. For instance, people depend on google.com for everyday problems instead of solving the issue. In comparison to the society of “The Machine Stops” where technology...

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...his gap in difference widens even more when comparing place. The people of “The Machine Stops” live in a hell like environment deep underground, being ruled by a man made version of the devil. Which some even consider a god. While the twenty first century lives in the surface of earth, free to manipulate the environment, to learn, and to pursuit happiness.
In Conclusion, the society of the twenty first century has a lot in common with the society of “The Machine Stops”. A society controlled by a synthetic imitation of god. The role of technology, the ideals that people live in in these two societies are similar so it is easy to assume that one day the twenty first century will repeat the mistakes that the society of “The Machine Stops” . But since the future of mankind is determined by mankind, the people can change the course of the present to a prosperous future

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