Ignorance And Cruelty

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In today’s society, one discovers numerous amounts of cruelty and injustice in many parts of the world due to humanity’s ignorance in helping one another. The three quotations found in the works of Elie Wiesel, John Donne, and Terry George, allows the audience to notice a common message; people should help and care about each other.
The speakers want the audience to realize the significance of one’s act to aid and care for those in need. For instance, in Elie Wiesel’s work, he reveals this message when he says “neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere” (Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Acceptance Speech). Wiesel wants the audience to understand that ignorance of the issue only supports the oppressor(s) which, as a matter of fact, causes the issue to escalate. He clarifies his argument by stating that “sometimes we must interfere” to reveal that only we can do something to stop the issue. Similarly, in John Donne’s piece, the importance of helping those in need in society is emphasized when Donne mentions, “any man’s death …show more content…

People should interfere especially if it is something that concerns and affects everyone. It would minimize most of the problems in our world today like genocides. We should appreciate and assist one another rather than isolating yourself and refusing to support those in need. I believe it is crucial for people to understand that everyone are part of humanity. If everyone succeeds in realizing that we are all part of a whole therefore the world would become a better and safer place to live in. I also agree with the message revealed in Hotel Rwanda of helping one another. Besides, if we were not such ignorant during the Rwandan genocide then maybe tremendous innocent lives were saved.To sum up, we must learn to interfere and aid those in need to prevent disastrous issues and events in order to have a better

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