Iago Dei: Examining Moltmann's Philosophy

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This second section of the paper will offer a critical evaluation of some of the aspects of the imago Dei found in Moltmann’s theology discussed in the first section. Moltmann’s overall view of humanity is challenging and offers a contemporary approach towards the doctrine of imago Dei. However, there are some aspects of his doctrine that raise questions and have implications for the imago Dei. Moltmann’s Method Examining Moltmann’s theological method is necessary when discussing his approach towards the imago Dei in these early works. His overall theological method is a systematic approach towards theology which prioritizes eschatology. As such, his theological anthropology develops and unfolds alongside his eschatology and other theological …show more content…

Therefore, Moltmann adopts a Christocentric approach towards resurrection as Christ is the example for human resurrection. What is interesting in this approach is that in pointing back towards tradition tries to retrieve an early Church approach towards the resurrection. Peter Althouse argues that Moltmann’s view of the resurrected body is in line with the Patristic fathers teaching and the Apostle’s Creed that includes the body in the resurrection. This is significant because it shows that the early Church viewed resurrection holistically. Furthermore, Moltmann’s argument has import for the contemporary debate over the supposed dichotomy between body and soul in the resurrection as his view seems to be most in line with tradition and with Scripture on this point. Additionally, a further implication of this view of resurrection for Moltmann is that the human does not need to fear the material aspects of life. Instead, they can embrace the whole of life, with all its blessings and problems and not fear engaging in the material aspects of life. Thus, viewing the resurrection as bodily brings about a sense of freedom for the human because the body is not pitted against the soul. Therefore, there is no need to resist any aspect of life that concerns the body and one can live life fully. In the next segment, I will discuss the relevance and issues concerning mission for the imago Dei in Moltmann’s

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