ISIS Synthesis Essay

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1. POLICY DECISION AND OBJECTIVES: The United States and coalition partners’ policy is to counter any active violent extremists and ideologies including ISIS and its affiliates overseas. Therefore, in order to protect the homeland from the terrorist attacks, eliminating all the terrorist organizations including ISIS that threaten the United States national security. Furthermore, coordinate and collaborate with all other agencies in order to combat terrorism and extremism internationally.
2. BACKGROUND / NATIONAL INTERESTS: In 2006 after al-Qaeda lost the majority of its leadership in Iraq, it managed to change the name of al-Qaeda to (ISI) that means Islamic State in Iraq. After many years of fighting they found their way to Syria and successfully …show more content…

Also reassure the leadership of the Syrian government after complete defeat of ISIS that they need to take the responsibility of their country according to the UN mandates. Applying the information campaign is crucial to counter ISIS strategic messaging regionally and globally because ISIS has been benefiting mainly for its recruiting and successfully used its wrong ideology all over the world. In addition, applying all the instruments of technology against ISIS to cut its communication means internally and externally. Using back the ISIS information methods against its narratives will helps the first strategic option to become …show more content…

Conducting a hard power against ISIS training camps, and all its capabilities. The precision targeting of all the ISIS supply routes and command centers including its leaderships are extremely vital to win the war within Syria. Conducting simultaneous and joint coordinated operations against ISIS within Syria alongside other regional actors to achieve all objectives. Furthermore, coordination with the Russian forces are extremely important in order to avoid any miss understanding. At the same time providing more equipment and training according to the UN mandate to the Free Syrian Army in order to keep the fight against ISIS till the complete elimination. The instruments of economic power is fundamentally crucial in order to freeze all the banks and its accounts that are linked to ISIS. Announce and warn to all the International community to stop giving ransom money for the release of hostages. In addition, sanction all the oil companies that are buying oil from ISIS, and simultaneously blockade all the supply routes for its movements from the sea, air, and land in order to coarse the ISIS to surrender. Interdict and identify all the fund raisers for ISIS anywhere around the world by using Interpol police and other means. The first strategy is feasible because the mission is clear and it has the support of all the international community including the UN and the regional

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